Hello everyone,
My name is Supersven and I am looking for some help for my friend Aariel.
Aariel is working on a wonderful new game that is called: The plague of 2020. Her goal is to finish this game in 2020, it is about all the events that have happened this year.
Aariel is having trouble in reaching this deadline with creating her game. She needs help from you! She needs help from people that want to co-operate with her in creating this game.
For the help she is looking for you will need to be able to work with the RPG maker engine! Every person that helps Aariel will be shown in the credits. As a bonus, you will gain a 10% discount on her merchandise for the game.
Aariel also has some free stuff that you can earn by working with her!
Her merchandise site has officially opened, here is the link: https://theplagueof2020merch.com/
Aariel has found many people that want to help her but she needs a few other skilled people, with your help she can finish this game in time!
What is Aariel looking for?
- Artists that can make scenery or background for in RPG maker engine.
- An artist that can create weapon or costume designs.
- The ability to create events in RPG maker or creating tilesets.
- Adding general game improvements in RPG maker.
- If you have any other skills to help Aariel you are free to contact her.
If any of the above apply to you, contact Aariel to help her before she hits the deadline!
With your help, she can beat the deadline and complete the plague of 2020!
You can contact Aariel on this profile link in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009124996133
You can also contact Aariel on this email: nameroftheguardian@gmailcom.
This add is sponsored by https://www.reviewsbysupersven.com/