Today we are going to look at a game from the hungry series, starting with Hungry Shark Evolution. What is your goal in this game? To eat, eat and eat some more! Are there humans? Eat them? See some fish? Eat them! See a shark that is bigger than you? Flee for your life! As you eat even more, you can grow and unlock more sharks! What more is there to do in this game? We will go into details of this game! There is no story in this game though.
What did I think before playing Hungry Shark Evolution before playing?
Before I played this game, I have played another Hungry game that we will review later. That is why I wanted to review this game when I saw it, sharks? Check! Mutated super sharks? Check! If you are interested in a quick mobile game that you can easily pick up and put down. For more information, we went to the store page!
The playstore page
There is a lot of information on this page, there is a Demogorgon shark that devours everyone! There are also equipment items for your shark! If you can earn enough diamonds, you can even have a pet follow you around while eating everything in the small open world.
I rate Hungry Shark Evolution with a 6.8 before playing.
It seemed like a repetitive game to me!
In Hungry Shark Evolution, it is your goal to level your sharks. As you level the sharks, you will gain more money. Every shark also has missions that you will need to complete. These can boost your earnings to get more money faster! There are many different sharks to unlock, even rogue lite sharks! These sharks are stronger, but start at level one each run! Some of the sharks can also be evolved, if you want to get a good head start in the game, I advise evolving the hammerhead shark!
If you want your shark to the bestest shark that ever sharked, you might need equipment! There is a lot of equipment and most of them will cost coins. A primary item that you will need is the map! Some of the items can be unlocked by completing enough mission, like the jetpack! Make your shark fly to the sky! Other items might need to be bought with gems, these can be earned with contests, or bought with real money!
Every shark has different stats, this also comes with a depth meter charge. The better your shark, the deeper it can dive! Beware though as dangers lurk in the depths, there are also treasures to collect! If you want to earn gems, you can also try to fight the giant crab boss!
I rate the gameplay of Hungry Shark Evolution with a 7.7
While this is a fun game, once you unlocked the best shark, it gets quite boring fast!
Sound and Graphics
The graphics are not very good as you can see that it is an older mobile app. However, the game still gets fresh updates regularly. If you are not bothered by bad graphics, this is a very fun game!
The soundtracks and sound effects are horrible, they are just the same thing over and over. I eventually muted it
I rate the graphics and sound effects of Hungry Shark with a 4.4
While I do like that there are many creatures to choose from, the graphics could have been better.
What did I think after playing Hungry Shark Evolution?
After winning a few contests and earning many gems, my opinion is that the pets in this game are way too overpriced! It will cost you 900 gems, while getting in the top 5% usually nets you 200 gems! That means it is going to take a while before you can even get your first decent baby shark!
The gameplay was fun until you realize that the open world is smaller than you imagine once you have unlocked the godly tier sharks. Some of them are so fast, you can barely see them swim across the screen! If you pay a small price, you will no longer see ads in this game. It is like purchasing the full game! This will also double all your coins that you earn forever!
I rate Hungry Shark Evolution with a 7.6
While the game is fun, it gets boring a bit too fast. And once you unlock the better sharks, it is no longer play maybe ten minutes for one run, it can easily take you up to 40 minutes!
What are my personal thoughts about Hungry Shark Evolution?
While it was very fun in the beginning, once you get to the better sharks, it is quite boring, as you just zoom around the map!
My personal Rating of Hungry Shark Evolution is a 5.5
While it was fun, it was not perfect. If you like sharks, this might be a game for you!
Last Words
- Unlock many different sharks while you eat everything!
- Evolve your sharks to gain more power!
- Explore a small open world that holds horrors in the deep
- Complete missions to unlock new equipment
- Farm gems in slow motion to eventually buy awesome equipment!
- It can be hard to farm gems.
- collecting all sharks will take a lot of time!
It is time to shark your way up to the top of the evolution chain! Do not worry, new sharks are still being released!
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Hungry Shark Evolution in the comments!
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I liked this game.
Thanks for review 😉
You are welcome!
baby shark 🙂
If that is a baby shark, I do not want to see a mommy shark!
after Maneater, this is the only Shark game i know after reading the article
There are a few others out there, but they are indeed rare!
Nice review
Thank you!
First time I hear of this game right here
I like sharks but i will pass this game as it seems too simple/mobile/grindy and i’m yet to play or try other shark games. Thanks for review.
This is indeed a grindy game, less so compared to the second game in the series.
A fish is food, not a friend!
Good review! Seems to be a good game to kill time.
It seems this game has more going for it than the average modern mobile game, and I am not surprised it came out a while ago, presumably when mobile gaming was still somewhat more decent than nowadays. It is annoying to hear there are paid elements to the game, but it’s good to know it is still fun for the most part.
Do you plan to review a lot more mobile games in the future?
Yes, we have more mobile games planned for the future, for example more of the Hungry franchise, or even a Disney game!
Seems a fun mobile port of Maneater ?
Nomnomnom. Nice review!
Thank you!
Thanks for review, nice game!!)
Looks cute but way too grindy and repetitive, like most mobile games.
Microtransactions kill any grindy game for me
My favourite game in 2016
It looks a bit entertaining, at least in very short sessions; but the microtransactions put me off
Most of the things can be earned without the microtransactions!
I would try this game in the future, thank you for the review.
I hope that you will enjoy it!