My Little Universe mobile review

Grind or pay up!

My Little Universe mobile review
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    Basic information

    Developer: SayGames
    Full name: My Little Universe
    Release date: 2021
    Released on: Multiple platforms, this review focuses on the mobile version.
    Cross play: no
    Genre: Collection, casual.
    Additional information: All releases have different mechanics and additional gameplay elements. A review focused based on the Nintendo Switch will be aired soon.

    Initial thoughts

    My Little Universe at first appears to be a delightful mobile game brimming with potential. However, the initial charm soon wanes as intrusive ads repeatedly disrupt gameplay, turning what could be a pleasant experience into a frustrating ordeal. In this review, I am going to dig deeper into the mobile version of this game, is it worth your time?

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    The game centers around a character who finds themselves in a vibrant, procedurally generated universe. You are tasked with harvesting resources, building structures, and gradually expanding the universe. While the overarching plot is simple, it serves mostly to justify some simple quests.

    World building and immersion

    The world-building is visually appealing, with each biome offering distinct environments and resources. The game’s colorful and whimsical art style helps in creating an immersive experience. However, the lack of a deeper narrative can sometimes make the game feel repetitive. Despite the initial excitement, the continuous grind for resources without significant plot progression can lead to a sense of monotony.

    Character development

    Character development is minimal. The focus is more on the player’s ability to collect resources and expand their universe rather than on any meaningful character progression or story arcs. This lack of depth in character development can be a letdown for players looking for a more engaging storyline.

    Emotional impact

    The game does not evoke strong emotional responses. It is more of a casual, relaxing experience aimed at those looking for a light-hearted escape rather than a deeply emotional journey. You might enjoy the initial charm, but you will soon find yourself disengaged over time due to the repetitive nature of the tasks.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with a 3.0.
    The story is awful in this game.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The core mechanics involve resource collection, crafting, and expansion. Players use tools to gather various materials, which can then be used to build structures and unlock new areas. The gameplay loop is straightforward but becomes increasingly grindy as you progress. While the initial stages are engaging, the repetitive actions without substantial rewards can diminish the enjoyment.

    Difficulty and balance

    The game starts off easy but becomes more challenging as resources become scarcer and the grind intensifies. The balance is skewed towards incentivizing in-app purchases to speed up progress, which can be frustrating for people who prefer a more balanced and fair challenge. This monetization strategy makes the game feel more like a pay-to-win experience rather than a skill-based one.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing is slow, largely due to the grind-heavy mechanics. While this might appeal to people who enjoy a methodical approach, it will deter those looking for a more dynamic and engaging experience. The constant need for resource collection and the slow progression can make the game feel sluggish over time.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    My Little Universe does little to innovate within the genre. Its mechanics and gameplay loops are reminiscent of other sandbox games, offering nothing particularly new or unique. Gamers familiar with other sandbox titles might find the gameplay lackluster and uninspired.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls are intuitive and easy to grasp, which is a positive aspect of the game. The user interface is clean and straightforward, making navigation simple even for new players. This ease of use is one of the game’s stronger points, allowing players to quickly get into the gameplay without a steep learning curve.


    Microtransactions available: Yes
    VIP microtransactions: Yes
    Prices of microtransactions: Low to high
    Pay to remove ads: Yes
    Currency packs: Yes


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with a 5.
    The gameplay loop is nothing new, it is not incentive, and it mostly wants you to pay money.

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The game features a charming, cartoony art style that is visually appealing. The graphics are crisp and colorful, contributing to the game’s whimsical atmosphere. The distinct visual themes of each biome keep the game interesting and visually engaging.  At least for the eyes.

    Technical performances

    Performance is generally stable, though occasional frame rate drops and minor bugs can disrupt the experience. These issues are not game-breaking but can be annoying over time. Consistent updates and bug fixes from the developers are needed to improve the overall experience.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    Each biome is uniquely designed, with distinct visual themes and resources. This variety helps in keeping the game visually interesting, even if the gameplay becomes repetitive. The different environments provide a sense of exploration and discovery.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 6.5.
    The graphics look simple, but not the good kind of simple.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The music in My Little Universe is pleasant and adds to the game’s relaxed vibe. However, it is not particularly memorable or impactful. The soundtrack provides a soothing background but does not stand out.

    Sound effects quality

    Sound effects are adequate, providing necessary audio feedback for actions like resource collection and building. They are functional but not exceptional. The sounds complement the visuals but do not enhance the gameplay experience significantly.

    Voice Acting

    Not applicable


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 5.5.
    It barely adds anything to the game.

    Multiplayer components

    Online gameplay experience

    Not applicable.


    Game Length and content volume

    The game offers a decent amount of content, with numerous biomes to explore and resources to collect. However, the grindy nature of the gameplay can extend the game length artificially. The repetitive tasks and lack of significant progression can affect long-term engagement.

    Extra Content

    There is no significant additional content or DLCs. The game relies on its base content to keep players engaged. This can limit the replay value as there are no new challenges or expansions to look forward to.

    Replay value

    Replay value is limited. Once players have explored all biomes and unlocked all content, there is little incentive to start over. The lack of variety in gameplay and absence of new content can reduce the desire to replay the game.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of My Little Universe with a 5.
    Once you get hit enough with the ads, you will most likely quit this game.

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    Oh boy, I have plenty of suggestions!

    Reduce Ad Frequency: Gamers are frequently interrupted by ads, which can be frustrating. Reducing the number of mandatory ads or offering more meaningful rewards for watching them would improve the experience.

    Improve Game Stability: Addressing the frequent crashes and glitches reported by gamers is crucial. Enhancing the game’s stability and ensuring that progress isn’t lost during crashes would make for a smoother gameplay experience.

    Enhance Gameplay Variety: Introducing new gameplay mechanics, challenges, and mini-games can reduce the grindy nature of resource collection and keep Gamers engaged for longer periods.

    Increase Character Development: Adding deeper character progression systems, such as skill trees or customizable abilities, would provide a more immersive and rewarding experience for gamers.

    Expand Multiplayer Features: Incorporating multiplayer or cooperative gameplay options would significantly enhance the game’s appeal, allowing gamers to collaborate or compete in building and exploring their universes.

    Offer More In-Game Events and Content: Regular in-game events, seasonal updates, and limited-time challenges can keep the game fresh and encourage Gamers to return frequently.

    Balance the Monetization Strategy: Ensuring that in-game purchases are optional and do not overshadow the core gameplay can help retain gamers who might otherwise be deterred by pay-to-win mechanics.


    Compared to other sandbox games, My Little Universe falls short in terms of innovation and depth. Games like Minecraft or Terraria offer more engaging gameplay and richer content, making My Little Universe feel lacking in comparison. The game could benefit from introducing more unique mechanics and deeper story elements.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    One memorable moment was the satisfaction of finally completing a particularly grindy task after hours of resource collection. However, these moments were few and far between, often overshadowed by the game’s repetitive nature and constant interruptions by ads. The initial excitement of discovering new biomes and resources quickly fades as the grind sets in.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with My Little Universe, I give it a personal rating of 2.2.
    Man, I am almost sad I played this game.

    Last words



    Overall, My Little Universe offers a mediocre experience. It can be enjoyable in short bursts, but its repetitive nature, aggressive monetization strategies, and frequent ads limit its appeal. It is a decent casual game but fails to stand out in a crowded genre.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of My Little Universe in the comments!
    I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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    1. Vibe

      To be honest though in our universe too we get interrupted by (sometimes) repetitive ads 😉

    2. Yeah, this doesn't look very good... I mean the game itself is cute. But still why mobile games are laughed at: tons of micro-transactions *and* ads (seriously?), dumbed down UI, etc...

    3. Doesn't look like the kind of game enjoyable on mobile, and any kind of micro transaction should always be a way to support devs giving some cosmetic, not stuff you have to buy to do some annoying thing faster. Ads disturbing all the time should be more than enough for them already

      • The ads are annoying!

        • Controlling how often they appear they could still work to remove pay to win stuff, but keeping both makes no sense


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