Super Mario Wonder review

Is that pipe crawling away? Yes, yes it is.

Super Mario Wonder review
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    Basic information

    • Developer Name: Nintendo
    • Full Name: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
    • Release Date: October 20, 2023
    • Released on: Nintendo Switch
    • Cross Play: Not Available

    Initial thoughts

    My wife and I were really excited about playing Super Mario Wonder in co-op. The previews showed off a vibrant new direction for the series, and we were eager to jump into this wild new world together. Playing co-op made the experience even more enjoyable, and we were ready to explore every corner of this colorful, zany world.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    The story in Super Mario Wonder is familiar territory for Mario fans. Once again, the goal is to stop Bowser, who this time transforms into a giant castle—a confusing but amusing twist. While the story isn’t a strong point, it serves its purpose as a simple backdrop for the adventure. It’s not why we came to play, but it’s classic Mario, so we didn’t mind.

    World building and immersion

    The world is beautifully crafted, with each level brimming with creativity and charm. The immersion isn’t necessarily deep in terms of lore, but the environments are so engaging that you want to see what crazy new idea the next level has in store.

    Character development

    As with most Mario games, character development is minimal. Mario and friends are the same cheerful heroes they’ve always been, and Bowser is still the goofy antagonist. The characters are there to support the gameplay, and that’s perfectly fine for this type of experience.

    Emotional impact

    There’s not much emotional depth here, but the fun and sense of wonder throughout the levels make for a light-hearted and joyful experience.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with an 6.5
    It is the same story again, Bowser does something bad, and the heroes need to stop him.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    Super Mario Wonder shines in its gameplay, delivering the tight platforming mechanics that the series is known for. Jumping, running, and power-ups feel smooth and intuitive, and the introduction of the Wonder Flowers brings a new layer of unpredictability to each level. The Wonder Flowers transform the gameplay in wild ways, from altering gravity to turning Mario and friends into various forms, keeping each level feeling fresh and surprising.

    Difficulty and balance

    The difficulty balance can feel a bit uneven. Some levels are challenging but rewarding, while others feel strangely easy, and a few worlds don’t even feature boss battles, which is a bit of a letdown. Still, the overall experience is fun, and the variety in level design helps keep things interesting.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing is solid for the most part, with levels offering quick bursts of fun that keep you moving forward. However, the lack of bosses in some worlds makes the progression feel slightly off at times. Despite that, the game’s creativity and surprises help maintain a good rhythm.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    The Wonder Flowers are a brilliant addition, introducing unpredictable gameplay twists that make every level feel unique. This mechanic is a fantastic innovation that sets Super Mario Wonder apart from previous entries. There are flowers that are alive and talk, but, what are the other flowers? I think we need to do some “science” on these flowers.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls are as precise as ever, which is essential for a platformer of this caliber. The user interface is clean and easy to navigate, allowing players to quickly jump into levels and manage their progress without hassle.


    Happily, Super Mario Wonder doesn’t include any microtransactions!


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with a 7.5.
    I still think that most of this adventure is a drug induced fever dream.

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    Super Mario Wonder is visually stunning, with some of the best graphics we’ve ever seen in a Mario game. The art direction is wild and colorful, with each level offering something new and exciting to look at. Honestly, it feels like the developers were on some creative high when they designed this game, and it works perfectly. The bold visuals elevate the entire experience.

    Technical performances

    The game runs smoothly with no noticeable frame rate drops or technical hiccups, even during the more chaotic sequences. It’s a polished experience through and through.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    Each level is a feast for the eyes, and the environments are incredibly unique. From shifting landscapes to the surreal effects of the Wonder Flowers, the creativity on display is top-tier.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 9.0
    Wow, my wife and I were just surprised by some strange effects, singing plants, dancing stuff, you know, the usual drug fever dreams.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The music in Super Mario Wonder is fantastic. The soundtrack complements perfectly the game’s whimsical tone, with upbeat, catchy tunes that fit each world and level. It helps set the mood and keeps you energized as you progress.

    Sound effects quality

    The sound effects are classic Mario—punchy, nostalgic, and fitting. Every jump, coin, and power-up sound feels satisfying and adds to the experience.

    Voice Acting

    There isn’t much voice acting beyond the familiar cheers and exclamations from Mario and friends, but it’s charming and exactly what you’d expect from a Mario game. Does singing count as voice acting? If so, then the plants and other singing creatures did great as well!


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 10.
    I mean, the singing plants, I think more developers need to get high for good games.


    Game Length and content volume

    Super Mario Wonder offers a decent-length campaign, with plenty of levels to explore. The game isn’t too long, but it’s packed with creativity, making each level feel memorable.

    Extra Content

    The game includes collectibles, and while it doesn’t require you to replay levels with each character (thankfully!), there’s enough hidden content to encourage replaying levels for completionists. Like gathering every badge and coin!

    Replay value

    With its collectibles and the unpredictable Wonder Flower mechanics, there’s plenty of reason to revisit levels. The co-op mode also adds replay value, as playing with friends or family offers a different experience each time.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Super Mario Wonder with an 8.
    Some final levels are very difficult to complete, but also satisfying!

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    • More Boss Battles: The lack of bosses in some worlds felt like a missed opportunity. More variety in boss encounters would have made the game feel more complete.
    • Better Balance: Some levels felt too easy compared to others, so a more consistent difficulty curve would improve the overall experience.


    Compared to other Mario titles, Super Mario Wonder stands out for its creativity and innovative Wonder Flower mechanic. It takes the classic platforming formula and injects it with unpredictable, zany elements that make it a standout entry in the series. It feels fresher and more inventive than recent Mario games, while still delivering the tight gameplay we all expect.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    Playing Super Mario Wonder in co-op with my wife was a blast. We laughed at the strange transformations and crazy things happening on-screen, and it was fun helping each other navigate the more challenging levels. It’s a great game for couples or friends who want to enjoy a fun, lighthearted platformer together.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Super Mario Wonder, I give it a personal rating of 9
    This has to be the zaniest Super Mario game ever!

    Last words



    Super Mario Wonder is a brilliant addition to the Mario franchise, packed with creativity, stunning visuals, and the kind of tight platforming gameplay we have come to expect. While the story is predictable and the difficulty balance could use some tweaking, the fun factor is through the roof—especially when playing in co-op. It’s a must-play for Mario fans and a joy for anyone who loves whimsical, imaginative platformers.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of Super Mario Wonder in the comments!
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    1. I love always balance difficult. Not more or less.

      • Balancing difficulty is hard!

    2. Sound like this is one of the more unique Mario games! Great review as always! 🙂

      • Glad you like the review!

    3. Seems another good Mario game. Had no idea that some worlds miss boss battles

      • Yeah, no idea why!

    4. i see mario, i press like

      • Easy-peasy!

    5. sad they stick to their own plattform... understandable but sad

      • Yeah, it's what made me miss so many Mario games... I can't and don't want to buy all the Nintendo consoles to be able to play them. :O

        • A lot of Mario games are available on the same console by now!

      • Yep, this is probably never going to change.

    6. another game that I wish to play,

      • I think a lot of people would enjoy this game!

    7. The balance between fun and a bit of chaos feels perfect for a Mario game!

      • It does!

    8. Switch only? wish it were ported to PC. That's the only platform for me 🙂

      • Don't think Nintendo will port this game ever.

    9. a wonderful review!

      • Thank you!

    10. fun to play, mario the legend

      • Mario is an old legend!

    11. So many creative and imaginative designs in this game! Looks really fun and special! I'm happy to hear it has a cool soundtrack and hidden secrets to explore too!

      • You might enjoy this game as well!

    12. I don't have nintendo and before i know this site not even thought about playing Mario (but i remember playing such similiar games like Giana Sisters, Toki from amiga and pc and liked it) but after such review and video i would like to try it. Colorful creative graphics, great sound and music and good gameplay 🙂 Really look interesting.

      • It is really interesting!

    13. I like this game. Mario is funny and interesting character. And secondary characters are also irresistible.

      • Mario only eats pasta!

    14. I've really been looking forward to this one!
      Looks really nice, although felt weird to see Mario go back to 2D, expected 3D like Odyssey. (not saying it's a bad thing)

      • There will always be 2D and 3D games!


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