Today we will be traveling once again back into the realm of Blue Fire, are the bugs fixed? Have the voids been made more accessible? Does the camera work better? Have new items been added? These and a lot more questions will be answered in this second review of Blue Fire, most importantly for me, do the elevators still crash your game!? There are a whole slew of new updates and patches, we will see if it made the game better, not only that, we will also air a review later of the new and free Blue Fire DLC! As this is a revisit of the game, I will not add the story as it has not changed.
What did I think before replaying Blue Fire?
My worst fear was off course that the updates did not fix any of the bugs at all, the most notorious bug was off course the elevator crash bug! Some other problems included, no checkpoints in the voids, not enough gold scattered in the world, and some boss fights felt clunky. I had hoped with replaying that I would see many of these issues addressed and fixed! For some extra information, we went to the Steam page that showed huge promise on fixing these concerns!
The Steam update Page!
There are even more fixes in previous updates, but this one stands out with a huge bump in fixes! I was very interested if these would indeed be implemented well! I enjoyed the previous play through of Blue Fire, thus I was planning on starting all the way from the beginning!
I rate Blue Fire with an 8.5 before playing.
I was very excited to try out Blue Fire with all the new updates and bug fixes! Not only that, but I was also eager to see if I could platinum the game now!
I will be looking at the fixes and updates for the gameplay section. For the original gameplay section and elements, I advise you to visit the original review found at the end of this review! First up, does the game still crash a lot, especially when using elevators? I am glad to reveal that during my second play through of Blue Fire, I had zero crashes and all the elevators worked properly! There is even a new elevator for a shortcut in the graveyard area!
Next up, are the voids! While the previous review mentioned that the voids were either not different enough or similar enough, this is solved in the updated version of Blue Fire! Mostly, we will go into detail for that in the DLC review. A lot of people complained that the voids were too hard, the new updates have added checkpoints in the voids! The void is no longer a void, it has checkpoints now!
As the voids are now easier, you might need some extra ore to get the slots for your spirits, luckily there are a lot of extra ores scattered around! When using the spirit for doubling money, you can easily gather enough ores to buy all the upgrades that you would ever need! Not only that but a lot of the movements and battles that are taking place are smoother with all the updates, boss fights feel less clunky, but they are also easier to take down!
I rate the gameplay of Blue Fire with an 8.6!
There are no longer crashes and a lot of the problems have been fixed! Some core issues have also been addressed, like checkpoints in the voids!
Sound and Graphics
The graphics of Blue Fire have been more polished in recent updates, there are also more tunics that you can unlock, however you do need some special skills to get to the new tunics! Below I have a picture of the new tunic that has been added. The quests that you receive also get updated properly now, which is a nice bonus!Â
A lot of the music, ambient sound and other effects have been upgraded a lot with the recent updates! I enjoyed the new updates as they have added a lot of things including, polishing a lot of the sounds!
I rate the sound and graphics of Blue Fire with a 7.2
While most of the soundtracks are still mediocre, they have been improved greatly with the updates!
What did I think after replaying Blue Fire?
I had a lot of fun when I was replaying Blue Fire, especially when noticing how much the bug fixes have helped! The new updates have fixed the crashes with the elevators, this is a very good thing! It was insane to use an elevator when the game first released. I was very glad that the developers kept working on the game instead of abandoning the project. There is even a Void maker expansion!
I was one achievement short of platinum in my previous play through due to one of the achievements not triggering in one of the temples due to a sequence break in said temple, with the new updates, I was able to finally achieve platinum in Blue Fire!
I rate Blue Fire with a 7.5 after playing.
There are some great upgrades with the game, but not all temples are playable, most likely due to them not existing more after being killed by the shadows. However, the game has had great updates and bug fixes!
What are my personal thoughts about Blue Fire?
I enjoyed playing Blue Fire once again, since the voids have checkpoints, these are now more accessible for casual players now!
My personal Rating of Blue Fire is an 8.7!
I enjoyed playing through this game once again with great updates and bug fixes that have been applied!
Last Words
- Replay Blue Fire once again but this time with bug fixes and updates!
- New balance updates which improve the combat of Blue Fire
- Find more ore to spend that are scattered more in every area of Blue Fire!
- The Voids have checkpoints now which make it more accessible for casual gamers!
- The bug fixes have eliminated the crashes in Blue Fire!
- Blue Fire still has many different genres and it does need to be your taste in games to enjoy.
To read the original review, please visit this link :
As you can see, the rating has gone up considerably!
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Blue Fire in the comments!
I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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The game looks pretty good
Not so many bugs and a lot of fun while playing – that sounds good =)
Cool game!
It’s looking really good, art style and gameplay seem great
Good to hear that!
Looks like a fun game. It’s nice that they fixed the bugs.
I have this game. I’ll try i hope.
I´ve tried to like it but I simply can´t.
Blue Fire is proof that simple game can still be impressive.
Good review! Glad to see that they fixed it.
I Agree!
Nice game
underrated indie game
Thanks for revisiting this game. I’m glad they fixed a lot of the bugs and rebalance the gameplay. I got this through Amazon prime. Hope to try it soon.
I hope that you will enjoy the game!
Not to my taste after reading this review but it surely feels like an underrated indie game
A lot of indie games get underrated!
I am in awe and disappointed at the same time.
The graphics and design feel nice, but at the same time lacking due to vast empty spaces.
The fight is brilliant, but at the same time frustrating due to the movement.
The story seems nice at first, but at the same time is missing any guidance, and the feeling of empty world does not help it. Also, what is the purpose of all these traps? Just to be there?
Does the camera movement make you dizzy/sick?
No, it does not bother me at all!
Beware this DLC isn’t free after all. It’s cost stress 🙂
That is a good possibility!
Thanks for the update, seems like a fun indie game. I got to agree with DeliciousBacon “The graphics and design feel nice, but at the same time lacking due to vast empty spaces.”, and not just the empty spaces, what’s with those ugly brown spike things? It doesn’t match with the rest of the setting.
They could have indeed changed the color of the spikes, some empty spaces are supposed to be empty like that, as they are voids! Luckily, they have been polished quite a bit since release! At first, it was worse!
i like it
Seems like a nice minimalist platformer to me.
There is also a lot of combat and exploring!
It’ s nice to know that there are still devs who care about fixing bugs even after a long time 🙂
Indeed, most of them just go on to a new project!
It´s always great when a developer is actually interested in fixing and expanding their game after release. Good review.
I have to agree, as most of the time, look at Bounty Battle for example, they abandon it!
I’ve been wanting this game for a while, and I am very pleased to hear it has been improved upon since its original release, and that its fixes and its new DLC are free for everyone! It was also very nice to see you review a game again after it has received significant updates, as I find most mainstream reviewers never go back to games they have looked at in the past regardless of how much better the game has gotten since their reviews.
I intend to review a lot more games again if they get proper updates or DLC!
Jesus, this looks even worse than 2D platformers!