
Doom top 5 list

Introduction Today, we have a new list prepared for you, a list of Doom games, but what Doom will triumph in this list of the five best Doom games on Reviews by Supersven? We have Doom mods, Doom mobile games, the original Doom games. But there is only one that can excel. We all know it will not be Doom 3 as it is actually missing Demons! Those are just, pesky aliens. Now, without further ado, let...[Read More]

Duke Nukem top 5 list

Introduction Today, we have a new list prepared for you, the Duke is back, and this time we want to know which Duke game rocks the best? There can, of course, only be one true Duke Nukem winner, there was a Duke Nukem game that won the first place in another list, he will not be joining us today. He already has a prize, sorry, Serious Duke 3D! Rules 1 All candidates must be on Reviews by Supersven...[Read More]

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