Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion review

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Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion review
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    Basic information

    • Developer Name: Square Enix
    • Full Name: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core: Reunion
    • Release Date: December 13, 2022
    • Released on: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC, Nintendo Switch
    • Cross Play: Not Available

    Initial thoughts

    Both Simone and I were thrilled when we heard that Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core was being re-released. This game holds a special place in our hearts—it’s the game we fell in love over, and now, 16 years later, we’re still together and gaming more than ever. For us, this re-release was an absolute must-play, a nostalgic journey that we couldn’t wait to embark on together.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    Crisis Core: Reunion is a prequel to the iconic Final Fantasy VII, focusing on the story of Zack Fair, a member of the elite SOLDIER unit. The narrative weaves a tale of friendship, honor, and tragedy, leading up to the events that set the stage for the original game. Zack’s journey is both heroic and heartbreaking, making it one of the most memorable stories in the Final Fantasy universe.

    World building and immersion

    The world of Crisis Core: Reunion is rich with detail, expanding on the lore of Final Fantasy VII while introducing new locations and characters. The game effectively immerses players in its world, from the bustling streets of Midgar to the serene landscapes of the Nibelheim Mountains. Every location is steeped in atmosphere, drawing players deeper into its narrative and world.

    Character development

    Zack Fair is a standout protagonist, full of charisma, determination, and heart. His relationships with characters like Sephiroth, Aerith, and Angeal are central to the story and are developed with care and depth. Each character’s arc is meaningful, contributing to the emotional weight of the story. By the end, players feel a deep connection to Zack, making the story’s climax all the more impactful.

    Emotional impact

    The emotional resonance of Crisis Core: Reunion is its greatest strength. The game balances moments of lightheartedness with intense drama, culminating in one of the most powerful endings in gaming. Zack’s journey is a rollercoaster of emotions, and the game’s ability to evoke such a strong response is a testament to its storytelling prowess. This was the most powerful emotional impact I have ever had in a game!

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with an 10.
    The emotional rollercoaster, the set-up, the ending, oh my god, the ending! Perfect.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The gameplay of Crisis Core: Reunion combines action-oriented combat with RPG elements. Zack can perform various attacks, magic spells, and special abilities, all of which can be customized and upgraded. The game introduces a unique mechanic called the Digital Mind Wave (DMW), which adds an element of luck to battles, allowing for powerful Limit Breaks and Summons when the reels align. This also ties in to his emotional state, and to what is happening in the story!

    Difficulty and balance

    While the core gameplay is engaging, the DMW system can feel a bit gimmicky at times, relying on chance rather than skill. Additionally, the game’s difficulty can fluctuate, with some battles being easily overcome while others require repetitive grinding. Despite this, the combat is generally satisfying, with enough depth to keep you invested.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing of Crisis Core: Reunion is generally well-balanced, though it does suffer from some repetitive mission structures. Many of the optional missions involve similar objectives and environments, which can lead to a sense of monotony if played in long sessions. However, the main story progresses smoothly, keeping players engaged with its unfolding drama.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    The DMW system is a unique addition to the gameplay, though its reliance on RNG (random number generation) may not appeal to everyone. The game’s focus on a single character’s journey, combined with fast-paced combat, sets it apart from other entries in the Final Fantasy series, offering a more focused and intimate experience.

    Controls and user interface

    Controls in Crisis Core: Reunion are responsive and intuitive, making combat and exploration straightforward. The user interface has been streamlined for the re-release, offering easy access to menus, inventory, and abilities. Overall, the game feels polished and accessible, even for newcomers.


    There are no microtransactions in Crisis Core: Reunion.


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with an 8.
    Even the combat relates to the emotional rollercoaster this game is!

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The graphics in Crisis Core: Reunion have received a significant upgrade, bringing the game’s visuals in line with modern standards. Character models are highly detailed, environments are richly textured, and the overall visual fidelity is impressive. The art direction remains faithful to the original, capturing the essence of the Final Fantasy VII world while enhancing it with modern technology.

    Technical performances

    On a technical level, the game performs smoothly, with stable frame rates and minimal loading times. However, one minor drawback is the reuse of certain assets, which can make some areas feel repetitive. Despite this, the game’s overall presentation is top-notch, delivering a visually stunning experience.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    While the environments are beautifully rendered, the game does rely on reusing certain locations and assets throughout its optional missions. This can detract slightly from the overall sense of uniqueness in each area. However, the main story locations are diverse and well-designed, contributing to the game’s immersive atmosphere.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with an 8.5
    I cannot believe this game looks this good on the big screen!

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The soundtrack of Crisis Core: Reunion is nothing short of phenomenal. The music perfectly captures the game’s emotional highs and lows, enhancing every scene with its powerful melodies. From the epic battle themes to the hauntingly beautiful. The music is integral to the game’s impact.

    Sound effects quality

    Sound effects are crisp and clear, adding to the overall immersion. The clashing of swords, the casting of spells, and the ambient sounds of each environment are all finely tuned to create a rich auditory experience.

    Voice Acting

    The voice acting in Crisis Core: Reunion is exceptional, with a talented cast bringing each character to life. Zack’s voice actor delivers a standout performance, capturing the character’s optimism and determination. The dialogue is well-written and emotionally resonant, adding depth to the characters and story. This only makes the ending even more climactic!


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 10.
    For some reason, I relate to Zack, who, despite the odds life gives him, he keeps on going. 


    Game Length and content volume

    Crisis Core: Reunion offers a substantial main story that can be completed in around 20–25 hours. For those looking to fully explore the game, there are numerous optional missions, side quests, and collectibles that can easily extend playtime to infinity!

    Extra Content

    The game includes a wealth of extra content, including challenging missions, rare items, and powerful summons. For completionists, there’s plenty to do after the credits roll, offering hours of additional gameplay.

    Replay value

    While the main story is relatively short compared to other Final Fantasy titles, the game’s replay value is bolstered by its New Game+ mode and the desire to perfect Zack’s abilities. The story’s emotional impact and the depth of the combat system make it worth revisiting, especially for fans of the series.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Crisis Core; Reunion with an 8,5.
    This game has a lot of replay value!

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    While Crisis Core: Reunion is an excellent remaster, there is one area where it could be improved:

    • Variety in Missions: Adding more variety to the optional missions would reduce the sense of repetition and enhance the overall experience.


    When compared to other Final Fantasy titles, Crisis Core: Reunion stands out for its focus on a single character’s journey and its action-oriented gameplay. It’s a more intimate experience than the mainline games, offering a different perspective on the world of Final Fantasy VII. The remaster’s graphical and performance enhancements make it a standout among other re-releases, ensuring it feels fresh and engaging even for those who played the original.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    We absolutely loved playing Crisis Core: Reunion. The story was an emotional rollercoaster, and even though it was shorter than other Final Fantasy games, it left a lasting impression. The moment Zack faces Sephiroth and loses as he sees him as a friend, and the transition to Cloud’s story as he picks up Zack’s sword is an epic moment in the Final Fantasy saga.

    It’s a game that we’ll remember fondly, not just for its story, but for the nostalgia and the memories it rekindled for us. This game, it chills me to the bone, that spine tingling feeling, it is something no other game gives me. This game shaped my life into what it is today, for it helped me find the love of my life.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Crisis Core: Reunion, I give it a personal rating of 11.
    This is so far, the only game I can personally give an 11, despite the missions, the story for me behind this game, how Zack’s story plays out, epic!

    Last words



    Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core: Reunion is a masterful remaster that brings back a beloved classic and enhances it for a new generation. With its compelling story, stunning visuals, and unforgettable music, it’s a must-play for both longtime fans and newcomers to the series. While it has a few minor flaws, they do little to detract from the overall experience, making it a standout entry in the Final Fantasy universe.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core: Reunion in the comments!
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    1. I want to play this game too. Everybody will be hyped on any fantasy games.

    2. Great review! 🌟 Zack Fair’s story has always been compelling, and it’s exciting to see it brought to life with modern updates. Thanks for sharing your insights!

    3. Want to try FF games, but not big fan of JRPG games (except Yakuza games)

    4. I grew up with FF7 but never touched Crisis Core till now. A rating of 11? wow ... I guess you really liked it!

    5. Looks like a good Final Fantasy, I like how it changed

    6. I mentioned that the Kingdom Hearts story/lore is confusing to me... Well, Final Fantasy is worse on that side, lol.
      But it looks nice! Although the gameplay looks like it's not for me (at least the fights), it still looks interesting.

    7. Thanks for the Review, Final Fantasy as a franchise has always been something I want to dive into, and such reviews only makes me want to do it more.

    8. looks interesting....
      emotional ending... reminds me of Brothers: A tale of two sons (highly recommendation but highly emotional 😉 )

    9. What a great and well put review, my brother always wanted me to play a Final Fantasy game, so this review made me actually more excited to try a Final Fantasy game. Thanks for the review

    10. It's very loving to read your emotional connection with this game and you two together. It deserves your 11/10 rating because it gave you more than just an ordinary gaming experience. 😀

      Top quality FF game. I might need to play this one. 🙂

    11. Nice game, hope i can play FF7 someday

    12. Such a heartwarming review! 💗

    13. Wow this game looks absolutely amazing! I've never actually played Final Fantasy before but this looks like just the kind of game I would love! Fantasy with a beautiful story and RPG mechanics! Very special and sweet that it means so much to you and Simone as well, bonding over it through all these years 🙂

    14. It's a captivating video game that plunges players into the mythical world of Final Fantasy 7, a game I loved playing a long time ago on a PS1.

    15. This review is awesome! I would play this masterpiece. Do you like the final fantasy universe?

    16. Wow what a good rating, thanks for review, i must really get interested in this title more 🙂


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