Today we are going to look at Dreamlight Valley. What is this game, and what is it all about? This seems to be a very casual game. You will need to build up your own town. There are also villagers that you will need to help, this is the whole premise of the game, let’s delve deeper!
What did I think before playing Dreamlight Valley?
Since this game looked a lot like Animal Crossing and the Sims combined, I was genuinely interested. There are also a lot of Disney characters, you will need to interact with them and build friendships. I was going to play this on the Xbox, however, I will check the Steam page for information.
The Steam Page
It seems there has been forgetting, and all the Disney characters have forgotten where they live. You will need to befriend them and reveal the whole map. There are many areas to explore and find new items. It also seems there are many outfits, gardens and many more items.
I rated Dreamlight Valley with an 8.3
I was excited about this game for a while, befriending characters from both Disney and Pixar. Gardening, fishing and cooking, time for a Disney Animal Crossing.
The story takes place in a magical realm where the ruler has vanished. You need to take his or her place and rebuild the valley.
I rate the story of Dreamlight Valley with a 6.1
There are some fun elements, but it seems the story is not their strong suit.
The gameplay is very much quest related, there immediately is a lot of hand holding. This game does not give you the option to find out yourself what to do. It starts out with having to make friends. This is what the whole game is all about, making friends and unlocking more content.
In this game, you will be working on earning plenty of star coins. There are many ways to earn star coins, but first you will need to fix the stall, and for that, you need to mine and gather the royal tools. If you want to upgrade the royal tools, you will need to complete quests. However, there are an insane number of quests, like excessively much!
Your main goal is to collect Dreamlight, there are many ways to collect Dreamlight. Your main goal is to gather the orbs and make sure the darkness is chased away. You will need to jump through many hoops to get this done, including many quests to make friends, there are way too many quests, but at least you can cook and never spoil food.
I rated the gameplay of Dreamlight Valley with a 7,1
There are way too many quests, it went out of hand with how many quests, I could not track anymore what quests I needed to do for what.
Sound and Graphics
The graphics are quite stunning, there are many outfits to choose from, plenty of crops to grow, fish to catch and areas to explore. If you enjoy Disney, then you will love the graphics. There is something oddly satisfying about seeing Donald Duck fall.
The soundtracks are fun and different for each area. The voice acting is actually really good. It almost sounded like you were in the actual Disney movies! The realms that you visit have fun soundtracks as well, however some characters repeat their lines a bit too much.
I rated the sound and graphics of Dreamlight Valley with a 7.7
There is some room for improvement, and some of my favorite characters were locked behind various quest line walls.
What did I think after playing Dreamlight Valley?
While initially, I enjoyed the quests, but they soon accrued to an immense amount. And then I needed to complete quests to unlock other qeustlines, but before I could unlock those, I needed to unlock a certain realm. Then for that I needed more Dreamlight and complete smaller quests. Yeah, you can see where this is going.
There are fun activities next to the quests, which is important because there are actually quests that take three real days, or crops that need to grow for eight hours and watered every four hours. I did not like that cooking never can go wrong. All in all, a fun game, but too many quests and things locked beyond quests.
I rated Dreamlight Valley with a 6.3
This game focused too much on real time to complete quests. Moreover, you need to take people with you to gain friendship points and level up. However, Ariel cannot walk. For Ursula, you can spend real money to give her a form on land.
What are my personal thoughts about Dreamlight Valley?
At first, I liked this game, but it did not take long before booting up this game and doing even more quests got monotone and boring. It started to feel like a chore.
My personal Rating of Dreamlight Valley is a 5.5
What seemed to be a great game in the beginning turned out to be a big chore in the end.
Last Words
- There are many activities to do in this game
- Manage your own town and decorate it, which is also a quest
- Meet a lot of Disney characters and interact with them
- Dig for secret recipes
- Increase your home to insane sizes,you will not have enough decorations
- The story is quite, forgettable.
- There are many quest walls
- Too much reliance on real time mechanics
- Upgrading royal tools is locked behind way too many quests
- Cooking never fails
If you enjoy games like Animal Crossing, you might enjoy this game but be warned, there are excessively many quests for you to complete! Completing every quest is going to drain your life!
The Final Rating
Please let me know what you think of Dreamlight Valley in the comments!
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Surprisingly good game, I expected a lot less.
Yeah, the biggest gripe is the quest walls.
Cute game
The game looks pretty good to me and should satisfy Disney fans.
It’s a shame that you can’t recruit Star Wars characters. Oh man, how awesome it would be to have Darth Vader walking around in that cute lil town 🙂
That would be frigging awesome!
I liked this game. I can think to buy it when they did discount for it.
I actually would try it, visually look good to my eye
It does look very awesome!
looks like very linear game
It is actually not linear enough, there is too much freedom and too much quests, it overwhelms you!
Feels too much like work, so many chores.
Games should not be a chore!
Seems like a great game!
Good review!
According to your review this game sounds like pure fan fiction/fan service to me.