Egg Incorporated review


Egg Incorporated review
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    Basic information

    Developer: Auxbrain Inc
    Full name: Egg Incorporated
    Release date: 2016
    Released on: Android, IOS.
    Cross play: no
    Genre: Clicker, Idle
    Additional information: This game is all about the chickens, what more can I say?

    Initial thoughts

    I was just scrolling through the Google Play Store, wondering what the hell I was going to find this time around. This led me to the top 10 of current games. Somewhere in it, I saw a game with a chicken. It was calling to me, I thought, that will be a fun review to write. I wondered what was in store for me as I downloaded this game.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    I am now keen to check out every story, yes this also means mobile games. So, what has Egg Incorporated in store for us? In the near future, the chicken eggs will be worth an insane amount of gold. Just like in real life, you are going to start a farm to cash in on the latest hypes, chicken eggs.

    World building and immersion

    There is little world building or any attempts to immerse you in the world of this game. The only thing you get are a few articles.

    Character development

    There is no character development at all in this game.

    Emotional impact

    There is zero emotional impact, unless you are a vegan and see all these chickens made to breed an insane number of eggs to only end up after that as chicken meat.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with a 3.0.
    All I can say is, meh.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The core mechanics of Egg Incorporated all rely on you clicking a button. That is right, all you need to do is click a button to spawn a chicken. Once you have some chickens running around, you might want to genetically upgrade your chickens. There is research to complete, but that is also only clicking. You can upgrade your houses to house more chickens, upgrade other items, and gain offline rewards with silos. But, that is about all.

    Difficulty and balance

    There is no difficulty in this game at all. The only difficulty you will be facing is the tedious clicking of the button. There is no end to clicking of buttons, once you have completed your farm, you have to start over again, slowly increasing the exp needed for the next farm.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing is alright, but while you are playing this game, it feels as if you are doing the same thing over and over again.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    There is zero innovation and no unique mechanics to find in this game. There are many other clickers and idle games on the Mobile store. 

    Controls and user interface

    The user interface is fine and it works good. The only problem I had was when clicking away the fake messages, I kept clicking the share button instead of the skip button.


    Microtransactions available: Yes
    Pay to Win: No
    Price: Low to medium
    Additional notes: You can spend money to open a piggy bank, or get some kind of permit for more offline gains.


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with an 4.0.
    There is barely any meat on this game, just hollow.

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The graphics might just be the best part of this game. They are decent but one-sided, there will not be much change over the course of playing. You have different houses, cars, and the hatchery changes a bit. All in all, very stale.

    Technical performances

    There were no technical difficulties while playing this game.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    There was barely any environment to rate at all. Furthermore, no design uniqueness for this game.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 2.0.
    Extremely stale!

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    There is only one soundtrack or others are so similar that there is no difference. It gets on my nerves, and you are better off playing your own music.

    Sound effects quality

    Cluck, cluck, cluck! Those are about the only sound effects this game has. Along with the sound of doing an upgrade that makes my hair stand upright, as if someone is scratching their nails across a blackboard.

    Voice Acting

    Not applicable, chickens don’t talk.


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 1.
    This game has one of the worst sound effects I have ever heard.

    Multiplayer components

    Online gameplay experience

    Not applicable.


    Game Length and content volume

    This is where the game does excel, it is an infinite loop of selling your egg farm, clicking on the chicken button, and repeat. This goes on endlessly! There is no end to the chicken invasion, but is fun? Hell no! 

    Extra Content

    I believe there is additional content in not selling your farm but selling it to the devil, prestiging, this means you can earn more coins per egg. There are still updates on this game.

    Replay value

    I guess the replay value is high, but it depends on how many brain cells you can miss by clicking the button over and over again.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Egg Incorporated with a 5.0
    I honestly don’t see what the fun in this game can be, or why it is this high in the charts. Is it, the chicken?

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    I don’t even know where to start with this game, to be honest, I am not going to burn my hands on this one. 

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    I really want to tell you this game was mildly fun, but to be honest, I could feel my brain cells dying when playing this game.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Egg Incorporated, I give it a personal rating of 1.0.
    Cluck like a chicken!

    Last words



    What else can I say? Cluck?

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of Egg Incorporated in the comments!
    I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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    1. Wow...

    2. cute little chicken game but not for me i would give it 2.7/5

      • At least the chickens look cute!

    3. That idle games gonna be old in this golden age.

      • Some idle games already exist for a long time!

    4. It looks like a simple egg farm game with nothing very much interesting. It's rather not good game for me.

      • It is not very interesting.

    5. No surprises here. It's too bad, but then again, expected.

      • Yet, it is still high in the list of games on the Playstore.

      • I think it's the funniest game reviewed by Supersven as this game is quite irritating while being not difficult to play. The fact that you reviewed this chicken game is funny itself 😆

    6. Lmao, so many things irritated you in this one... XD

      I feel bad for you. It's just one of those game in which you just move on. 😀

      • Yes, it irritated me quite a lot. I played it, so you don't have to!

    7. This game is a bit weird, but it's fun to see chickens running all the time. There are so many that look like zombies

    8. I think egg inc is boring than interesting idle game.


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