Today we are getting slimy! A slime related review has arrived, and if you are not into mobile games, or advertisements, then this game might not be for you. However, there is a lot of fun gameplay if you can get past the advertisements. This is an idle game, meaning that the game will continue to collect goodies for you if you are gone. There is even a way to gain more bonus coins for being away, by watching an advertisement.
What did I think before playing Legend of Slime?
I had been playing another idle game, then an advertisement came of this game, and I was like, huh, that looks neat. It is perfect for a review. Hence, I downloaded the game and started a journey as a slime. I did not know what to expect from this game, except that it is an idle game, meaning that the goodies will be collected while you are gone, which is nice for someone like me with a busy schedule! For more information, we are going to visit the information page!
The App store page
There is quite some information to unpack here, you will need to grind for gold by slaughtering humans. There is also a system where you need to mine for resources. You will need to gather multiple slime characters to collect and make them stronger to fight the stronger humans while collecting a lot of gear. There are also companions to collect that will help you with fighting! Since this is an idle game, you can stay away for a while.
I rate Legend of Slime with a 7.5 before playing.
This sounds like a nice game before playing, grind while doing nothing, hurray!
The story is quite simple, some slimes get their ass kicked by heroes. Some of the other slimes are not okay with this, thus they decide to commit genocide and all humans shall die.
I rate the story of Legend of Slime with a 5.0
Jeez, talk about having a short fuse, just because some humans are evil, does not mean you have to kill them all. Oh, well, these slimes are out for genocide!
The gameplay of Legend of Slime contains a lot of waiting, a lot of looking at advertisements, and a lot of gathering gear. You will even be rewarded for watching many advertisements. You will be gaining VIP levels, which will make your slimes stronger. As for the advertisement, getting new slimes is very hard to do, or event related. For some of them, you need to pay real money. While there are some free slimes you can get, I am unsure if it is possible to get them all without paying real money.
As you are away, or looking at the game, your main slime will be murdering humans non-stop to grind for gear and coins. These coins are needed for level ups. A lot of level ups, it is important to teach your slime to attack twice in one hit. There are many ways to increase your coin yield per hour. Summon new gear, companions or skills! There are many different items to gather, and collecting more of the same item will also make you stronger or help to get the collection bonus. Then there are relics, mining bonus, traits, leveling up your slime, buying treasures, and many other things to become stronger.
If you have upgraded your slime, you can go to the dungeons and try to complete the boss rush for new gems, which can be used to upgrade your slime once again. Later in the game, you unlock the possibility for a multi floor dungeon that will grant you a ring. Even later in the game, you will get toys for more bonus attributes. This is going so high, I have even lost count how much power my slime has! The numbers are insane! Oh well, keep grinding!
I rate the gameplay of Legend of Slime with a 7.7
The gameplay is very diverse, you can pour hours into it, or just do the dailies and you will get stronger. It is going to cost quite some money to get rid of advertisements, I have seen over 100 advertisements in my time playing this game!
Sound and Graphics
The graphics of Legend of Slime are quite fun to look at, but all in all, it is not very much. Your slime will be attacking and meeting the same humans and bosses over and over again. Except they will be stronger and faster. If you get beat, then you need to grind or wait for a couple of hours for money. The mining system is fun, but also not expansive.
The soundtracks are alright, but the sound effects really get on my nerve. When your slime starts attacking real fast, it is just, blob, blob, blob, blob, and that non-stop!
I rate the sound and graphics of Legend of Slime with a 6.8.
While the graphics can be fun, the sound effects are not very good.
What did I think after playing Legend of Slime?
I have invested many hours into this game and I have seen all advertisements this game can throw at me! In the basic skills, I have managed to get them all to level 9000! Oh my god, my levels are over 9000! Never mind that, after a while, this game gets boring once it is just, be away, level up, and repeat.
My biggest gripe with this game is how hard it is to unlock new slimes, and to gather crystals to level them up. There recently has been an alchemy update, which grants you the ability to get a new slime. If you have the patience to wait for over 200 hours and checking in every 16 hours. Not a big fan of that to be honest, just let me gather more crystals and buy it one go! I expect the game to be much easier if I fez up money and buy the super slime!
I rate Legend of Slime with a 7.1 after playing.
If only there was a decent way to get the slimes!
What are my personal thoughts about Legend of Slime
I wish there were more things to do actively, it does not feel this game has balanced the idle, and the action properly.
My personal Rating of Legend of Slime is a 6.1.
I wish there was more to do in this game.
Last Words
- Try to gather the free slimes and make them stronger.
- Collect companions, gear, and skills to slaughter more humans
- Grind while you are away, the slime will keep fighting.
- Level up a lot of things to become stronger.
- You can sink a lot of hours into this game, mostly while idle.
- Clear dungeons for various rewards.
- Download this game for free.
- There are not enough active things to do
- The story is not very good
- Annoying sound effects
- The graphics are mediocre at best.
- There are too many advertisements
If you are looking for a fun mobile game, this might be fun for a short while. Until you get bored leveling up this many things.
Final Rating
Let me know what you think of Legend of Slime in the comments!
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Slimes taking action against humans is a bit of a fun twist tbh lol
Too bad the gameplay doesn’t live up to the idea.
Thanks for the detailed review!
You are welcome, if only this was not a mobile game with many ads.
Thank you!
This is a really cool concept for a story, as it sort of reminds me of Undertale and a South Korean Netflix series called Brave, but it’s a shame it can’t be properly executed in a shallow mobile game!
Shallow is the right word.
Correction, the Brave animated series is Taiwanese, not Korean, my bad!!
Truth been told at start, i like slimes but not really playing mobile smartphone games.
And yet, they deserve a review.
not really a smartphone games fun but it looks cute
Thank you!
“Too many advertisements” – it’s not a surprise for a free game. But also you have mentioned that “The story is not very good”. So not so good a game for me =) Thanks for this review!
Time to push the skip button!
Good review!
Thank you!
pretty fine mobile game
Seems fun for a short time, but too many ads
Idle games are not for me, I get all OCD with the tasks, but genocide is always a plus.
Man, me too, it is not natural.
Ty! Nice review!
Ads are killing mobile games.
That is where you are mistaken, they have already won and killed the mobile games.