My Little Universe Switch review

Now you can harvest those rocks together!

My Little Universe Switch review
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    Basic information

    Developer: Saygames
    Full name: My Little Universe
    Release date: 2021
    Released on: Nintendo Switch
    Cross play: no
    Genre: action adventure, collection
    Additional information: We will be focusing solely on the Nintendo Switch release for this review.

    Initial thoughts

    I reviewed the mobile version of this game, and to be quite frank, it was a dumpster fire. It had too many ads, too many lags, and no balance at all. This is why my wife and I decided to check out the Nintendo Switch version, what does this game have in store for us?

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    Similar to the mobile version, the game centers around a character in a vibrant, procedurally generated universe. Players harvest resources, build structures, and expand their universe. The plot remains simple, serving as a backdrop for exploration and creativity.

    World building and immersion

    The Switch version retains the visually appealing world-building, with distinct biomes and resources. The colorful and whimsical art style creates an immersive experience, enhanced by new gameplay mechanics like fishing and leveling up, which provide more depth and variety.

    Character development

    Character development sees a notable improvement with the introduction of leveling up. Players can unlock new abilities as they progress, adding a layer of strategy and personalization to the gameplay. However, story related character development still does not happen, only gameplay wise.

    Emotional impact

    The game maintains a casual, relaxing vibe but with added mechanics, it offers more engaging and rewarding moments. The co-op experience enhances emotional impact, making the game more enjoyable when played with your loved ones, or friends. But once again, emotional impact in the game itself is basically at zero.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with a 6.0.
    Yes, there is more fun outside the game this time, but inside the game, not too much has changed.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The core mechanics involve resource collection, crafting, and expansion, similar to the mobile version. However, the Switch version introduces new mechanics like fishing and leveling up, which provide fresh and engaging activities. The gameplay loop is further enriched by better-balanced mechanics and faster level unlocks, making the experience smoother and more rewarding. You can build your character any way you want!

    One of the standout features of the Switch version is its co-op gameplay. Playing with a friend or family member adds a new layer of fun. This makes resource collection and building more enjoyable. The game is particularly delightful when played with others, but your resources are shared, which means you need to strategize.

    Difficulty and balance

    The game offers a more balanced experience on the Switch. The mechanics involving tools and resource collection are better paced, reducing the grind and making progress more satisfying. However, the final world remains unbalanced, presenting a challenge that can feel disproportionate compared to earlier levels. This is also where we quit the game and decided to come back later when this was fixed.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing is significantly improved, with faster unlocks and more varied activities keeping the gameplay dynamic. The co-op mechanics also contribute to a more engaging and cooperative gameplay loop, enhancing the overall pacing. One could be fishing, while the other is mining! Maybe one character was built for gems, the other for woodcutting. 

    Innovation and uniqueness

    The Switch version adds innovative elements like fishing and character leveling, setting it apart from the mobile version. These new mechanics bring a unique twist to the familiar sandbox gameplay, offering a fresh experience for both new and returning players.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls are well-adapted to the Switch, with intuitive button layouts and smooth handling. The user interface is clean and easy to navigate, ensuring a seamless experience for players. Even in co-op, we had no problems with seeing what was going on!


    Microtransactions available: No


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with an 8.
    The gameplay is enhanced dramatically in the Switch version, you can now fish, level up and gain new abilities, the enemies are more balanced, bosses too! Just go for the Switch version, even if you are playing solo!

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The game features the same charming, cartoony art style, with crisp and colorful graphics. The Switch’s hardware allows for a more smooth visual experience, maintaining the whimsical atmosphere of the game.

    Technical performances

    Performance on the Switch is stable, with no significant frame rate drops or bugs. The enhanced hardware capabilities of the Switch ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    Each biome is uniquely designed, with distinct visual themes and resources, for example, a Greek, or Egypt theme. The added variety in gameplay mechanics keeps the environments interesting and engaging throughout the game.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 7.5.
    There is a lot of improvement in this game in the graphical department. 

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The music in My Little Universe is pleasant and enhances the relaxed vibe of the game. While not particularly memorable, it complements the gameplay well.

    Sound effects quality

    Sound effects are well-done, providing necessary audio feedback for actions like resource collection and building. They are functional and add to the immersive experience.

    Voice Acting

    Not applicable.


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 6.5.
    While not memorable, it was pleasant in its own right.

    Multiplayer components

    Online gameplay experience

    While there are no online multiplayer features, the local co-op mode fosters a strong sense of community. Developer support is good, with regular updates ensuring a smooth experience.

    The Switch version shines with its local co-op mechanics. Playing together with friends or family significantly enhances the experience, making resource collection and building more fun and collaborative.


    Game Length and content volume

    The game offers a substantial amount of content, with numerous biomes to explore and resources to collect. The added mechanics and co-op mode extend the game’s replayability. Everything is more fun with your loved ones, or your friends. Except Mario Party…

    Extra Content

    The base game provides a lot of content, and when we stopped playing at the final world, there was no extra content yet. However, it seemed that a new DLC world was in the works. I am unsure when this new world with a new biome will be released.

    Replay value

    The replay value is high, especially with the co-op mode. The variety of activities and the ability to level up and unlock new abilities provide ample incentives to keep playing.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of My Little Universe with a 7.5
    As long as you play this game in co-op, you are not getting bored until you hit that final world where everything seems to be broken.

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    I have one main suggestion that I want to make for this game. Unlike with the mobile version for which I had numerous suggestions. Don’t release a new world until it has been properly tested. Also ensure it has been balanced properly with the resources needed just like the previous worlds. This makes the game more fun for everyone!


    Compared to the mobile version, the Switch version is a significant improvement. The new mechanics and better-balanced gameplay make it more engaging. When compared to other sandbox games on the Switch, My Little Universe holds its own with unique features like co-op play and character leveling.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    One memorable moment was exploring a new Greek biome with my wife and discovering rare resources together. The cooperative gameplay made the experience more enjoyable and rewarding. The satisfaction of unlocking new abilities through leveling up added a sense of achievement for the both of us.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with My Little Universe, I give it a personal rating of 6.5.
    I would rate it higher, but the final world removed quite a bit of the rating. 

    Last words



    Overall, My Little Universe on the Switch offers a vastly improved experience over its mobile counterpart. With engaging new mechanics and a well-balanced gameplay loop, it provides a delightful sandbox adventure, especially when played with others. It is a must-try for fans of the genre looking for a cooperative and relaxing game.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of My Little Universe in the comments!
    I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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    1. You had me at "Microtransactions available: No". ;P

      • Which means a big fat no!

    2. Looks like one of those casual games made to have fun some time. Switch version looks better, but still looks like a game that could work well on mobile, even being different versions with different features

      • The switch version is indeed better!

    3. After reading the reviews of both versions, I do prefer the switch though the mobile version seems to be neat but alas it is on mobile with all of its added glory 😉

      • Glory as in, microtransactions!

    4. i like how its changed from colorful world into black n white.

    5. Yeah, this is much better than whatever they thought was a good idea to release as a mobile version.
      Only downside... The price, lol. But well, at least they got rid of the MTX and ads!

      • So true!


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