One Way Heroics Plus revamped review

Oh no, he killed my dog!

One Way Heroics Plus revamped review


Today another review will be getting a revamp, a game that allows you to only walk to the right side of the map. As the left side is being swallowed by darkness. How far can you travel before the darkness will devour you? There are many classes to try out, enemies to slay, loot to collect and much more. I will not include a story, since you will create your own story.  And if you want to take some items with you, then you can use the dimensional vault.

What did I think before replaying One Way Heroics?

It has been a very long time, almost three years since I played and reviewed this game. Wow, what does time pass quickly, once I started with my file again, it was hard to get into, but I soon picked it up once more. To get a refresher course, I decided I really needed to check out the Steam Page.

The Steam Page

The Steam page is very intriguing, and the worst part is that I saw this game is almost ten years old when I am writing this. Man, the time goes by fast, and yet, this game holds up with plenty of neat features that we will dive into when we reach the gameplay section. The Steam page is a good refresher and there are many screenshots and trailers, I advise that you buy the DLC, it almost triples the size of the game.


I rated One Way Heroics with an 8.2 before playing.
If you are looking for a game that is going to get you hooked in a flash, then this is the game. However, one small mistake might cost you your run, time to start anew!


The game starts basic, you need to walk to the right side of the map while hunting down loot and monsters. But it does not remain that simple, as you can upgrade between runs, and even your castle. There are also quests, but you will need luck to get your run going, since the beginning is the most difficult to complete. As soon as you have some gold, and decent equipment, then you will travel many kilometers.

There are many classes to try out, ninjas, force users, pirates, and a lot more. All of them have their own specialty and their weakness. Whatever you do, try to avoid getting cornered by mountains because climbing over them is going to cost a lot of trouble. And then the darkness will come closer. Once the darkness touches you, it is game over. But if you found some decent equipment, then you will be able to store items and take those out of your vault with the next character.

As you gather more coins and points, you will be able to unlock new perks. These will make your upcoming runs much easier, but you can always make a wrong turn. There is always a way out, or you do something stupid and get killed by a dumb imp. Yeah, this game has plenty of surprises in store for you. Are you up to see what is on the right side of the map?


I rated the gameplay of One Way Heroics with a 7.7
If you enjoy rogue like games, then this might be a fun game for you! If the demon lord spawns, and you want to get the true ending, you will need to let him live, but he deals a lot of damage!

Sound and Graphics


The graphics are actually very neat, it is a random-generated world, but the pixel graphics are very nice to look at. There are many areas to explore, as well as mobs that go along with it. You should be aware of all the charming loot lying around, however, you need to be able to carry it!


The soundtrack is very pleasant, along with great sound effects. If you are not careful, this could be a game that you will get sucked into, it might be a 20-minute run, or a run that takes hours! Just enjoy the nice music as you keep on strolling to the right side of the map.


I rated the sound and graphics of One Way Heroics with a 7.3
Time to go on a quest!

What did I think after playing One Way Heroics?

Once again, I had a lot of fun when playing this game. It might be hard to pick up again, but it will not take long before you are once again going on a long, perilous journey to another dimension while questing along the way. But always those darn mountains that get in the way, or not finding enough food or silver.

My favorite class is the force knight, this class has this remarkable ultimate skill that freezes the whole game. Cheese your way out of danger, or cheese that boss by freezing him for a while. Sadly, you can only use this ultimate skill five times per run. Either use this skill when you are in trouble, or save it for a boss. Sometimes, even your ultimate skill will not save you. Like, for example, when a mountain blocks your way.


I rated One Way Heroics with an 8.4 after playing.
If you get sucked into this game, then you will soon put countless hours into this game, what will your favorite class be?

What are my personal thoughts about One Way Heroics?

Of course, I had a lot of fun again, there are so many possibilities with this game. You will start low on the food chain, but who knows, in the end you might just defeat the darkness that is trying to eat the multiverse.


My personal Rating of One Way Heroics is a 7,9
Yep, I liked this game a lot! Oh no, the demon lord killed my puppy!

Last Words



You can do some fun stuff by selecting some perks, for example, you could make a mountain climber, or a swimming dude. Whatever fits your bill!

Final Rating



Please let me know what you think of One Way Heroics in the comments!
I hope you enjoyed reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!
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  1. interesting one, thanks!

  2. Thank you for your AWESOME work!

  3. This game looks really cool and underappreciated, thanks for giving it some much needed attention!

    • I love to give some hidden games attention!

  4. Looks not interesting to me

  5. I do have a soft spot for JRPGs and turn-based RPG games, and this game looks like relatively promising yet not too bloated one at that.

    • It can be quite tough if you make wrong decisions at the beginning of a run.

  6. i like 2.5d games. They reminds me digimon 3 ps game 🙂

  7. It kinda reminds me of pokemon mystery dungeon in some ways, except it isn't floor-based. It is pretty much a top view rogue-like side-scrolling RPG, which is a weird combination of words.

    • That is a mouthful of words.

  8. i will play this someday

  9. thx for review, looks more like roguelike then classic rpg.

  10. Seems a cool RPG

  11. unexpected great game, might check it out later

    • I hope you are going to enjoy it!

  12. Will check it out, thanks

  13. Not my type, tbh

    • Everyone has their own taste in games.

  14. Good review, seems like fun, despite the RNG.

  15. sounds cool

  16. Ramdomly generated worlds can be a good thing If they are used right. But in a game like this. I'm not sure if it is a good Idea.


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