SimpleMMO review

After taking a step, you realize this game is mediocre.

SimpleMMO review
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    Basic information

    • Developer Name: Galahad Creative
    • Full Name: SimpleMMO
    • Release Date: January 8, 2019
    • Released on: Android, iOS, Web
    • Cross Play: Yes

    Initial thoughts

    My wife and I were looking for a fun game to play together on our mobiles, and we stumbled upon SimpleMMO, a straightforward text-based game. We were both excited by the prospect of a simple, accessible game but also cautious due to the potential for ads and microtransactions often found in mobile games. Nonetheless, we decided to jump in and see what it had to offer.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    SimpleMMO doesn’t follow a traditional plot-driven narrative but instead offers a series of text-based quests and adventures that players can undertake. The story is largely driven by simple actions, with a focus on exploration and progression rather than a cohesive plot.

    World building and immersion

    The game’s world is minimalist, relying on text to convey its settings and scenarios. While this can be charming in its simplicity, it lacks the depth and richness of more graphically intense RPGs. The immersion comes more from your imagination and engagement with the text rather than detailed world-building.

    Character development

    Character development is mostly stat-based, leveling up and acquiring new skills and equipment. There’s little in the way of character backstory or emotional growth, so don’t expect deep personal narratives. However, the simplicity allows for quick progression, which can be satisfying in short bursts.

    Emotional impact

    Given the text-based nature of the game, the emotional impact is minimal. The game doesn’t delve into complex stories or relationships, focusing instead on the mechanics of leveling up and completing quests. The charm lies in its simplicity, but it doesn’t leave a lasting emotional impression.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with a 5.5
    There is not much to the story, but I give it this rating, since you can, imagine it.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The core gameplay of SimpleMMO revolves around clicking through text prompts to explore, fight enemies, and complete quests. It’s easy to pick up and play, making it ideal for quick gaming sessions. However, the simplicity can become repetitive after extended play, as most actions boil down to tapping a button and reading the resulting text.

    Difficulty and balance

    The game is relatively easy to play, with most of the difficulty stemming from the grind to level up and acquire better gear. The balance is fair, but the repetitive nature of tasks can make the grind feel more tedious than challenging.

    Pacing of the game

    Pacing is where SimpleMMO shines and stumbles. The game is great for casual play, with progress being made in short sessions. However, if you are looking for a more engaging or varied gameplay, the repetition can slow down the excitement over time.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    SimpleMMO is unique in its throwback to text-based RPGs of the past. While this is a nostalgic touch for some, it may feel too simplistic for others accustomed to more visually rich mobile games. The new generation of gaming for example, its innovation lies in its straightforwardness, but it doesn’t push any boundaries.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls are as simple as the game itself—tap to progress. The user interface is clean and functional, though it can feel a bit barebones at times. It’s intuitive enough, but there’s little depth or customization available.


    The game does include microtransactions, primarily for cosmetic items and convenience boosts. While they aren’t overly intrusive, they can give paying players a slight edge, which might deter those who prefer a more level playing field.


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with a 6.
    While it was fun, the repetitiveness got to me in the end. Simone held on longer, but it also got her in the end.

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The graphics in SimpleMMO are minimalistic, relying on simple icons and basic visuals to accompany the text. The art style is functional but far from impressive. It suits the game’s straightforward approach but doesn’t do much to stand out.

    Technical performances

    The game performs well technically, with no noticeable lags or crashes. It’s lightweight and runs smoothly on most devices, which is a plus for those with older hardware or limited storage space.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    Given the text-based nature, the environment design is limited. There’s little in the way of unique or memorable locations, as most of the game’s world is conveyed through text descriptions rather than detailed visuals.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 5.0
    Nothing special too see here.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    When we played this game, there was no soundtrack at all. Big minus from me, it seemed to have had music at one point, but it got removed.

    Sound effects quality

    Sound effects are minimal and serve basic functions, such as indicating when you’ve completed an action, or hitting an enemy. They’re functional but forgettable, fitting the game’s overall minimalist design.

    Voice Acting

    There is no voice acting in “SimpleMMO,” which aligns with its text-based gameplay. The absence of voiceovers keeps the focus on the text, but it also means there’s less character brought to life through sound.


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 4
    A big disappointment in the music section!


    Game Length and content volume

    SimpleMMO is as long or as short as you want it to be. There’s a decent amount of content, with endless quests and missions to undertake, but much of it is repetitive. The lack of a definitive storyline means that the game is more about continual progression rather than completing a narrative arc.

    Extra Content

    The game includes guilds, PVP, and other multiplayer elements that can extend its life, especially if you enjoy competing or collaborating with others. However, the lack of varied content might make it difficult to stay engaged for the long term.

    Replay value

    Replay value is moderate. The game is easy to pick up for a few minutes at a time, but the repetitive nature of the gameplay may wear thin after a while. It’s a good game for casual players but may not hold the attention of those looking for more depth.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Little Kitty Big City with a 6
    While there is a lot to do, it gets too repetitive at one point for everyone.

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    To improve SimpleMMO, the developers could:

    • Introduce More Variety: Adding more varied quests and missions could help alleviate the repetitiveness.
    • Enhance Visuals: Even a simple text-based game could benefit from more dynamic visuals or art to keep things fresh.
    • Balance Microtransactions: Ensuring that the game remains fair for all players, regardless of spending, would help maintain a positive community.


    Compared to other mobile RPGs, SimpleMMO is a nostalgic throwback to simpler times. It lacks the visual and mechanical depth of titles like Raid: Shadow Legends or Genshin Impact, but it offers a more laid-back and accessible experience. For fans of text-based games, it’s a charming, if repetitive, option.

    Online experience and community

    Online experience

    The online experience in SimpleMMO is mixed for me. While there are many friendly players, the community can also be very toxic at times. Interactions in guilds and forums can be hit or miss, with some players being supportive while others are more antagonistic. If you do not have safe mode on, expect to be killed or hunted down nonstop.


    The multiplayer aspect is primarily social, with guilds, PVP, and collaborative events. However, the simplicity of the game means that these interactions aren’t as deep or engaging as in more complex MMOs. Guilds can be friendly, but if they have enemies, they will hunt you down, it is wise to bank your money, since getting killed you will lose some.


    The community is a mixed bag. While there are plenty of kind and helpful players, there’s also a noticeable presence of toxic behavior. This can make the experience less enjoyable, particularly if you find yourself at odds with other players or guilds, which happened to me.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    Stepping into this game together with my wife was a fun, light-hearted experience. We often found ourselves sharing the strange and amusing text descriptions that popped up during our quests. While the game didn’t offer the depth we usually expect from MMOs, it was a pleasant distraction that we could enjoy together during our downtime.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Little Kitty Big City, I give it a personal rating of 6,5
    There are also plenty of Easter eggs in this game!

    Last words



    SimpleMMO is a charming, if basic, text-based RPG that offers a nostalgic nod to simpler times. While it doesn’t have the depth or polish of more modern mobile games, it provides a light and accessible experience that’s perfect for casual play. If you’re looking for a game that you can enjoy in short bursts and don’t mind a bit of repetition, SimpleMMO is worth a try—just be prepared for a mixed community, it is like a coin flip.

    Final Rating



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