Super Mario Odyssey revamp review

Can you collect all the moons?

Super Mario Odyssey revamp review
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    Basic information

    • Developer Name: Nintendo
    • Full Name: Super Mario Odyssey
    • Release Date: October 27, 2017
    • Released on: Nintendo Switch
    • Cross Play: Not Available

    Initial thoughts

    I’ve already played and reviewed Super Mario Odyssey in the past, but this time, Simone is doing the full playthrough. Watching her tackle the game brought back some of my initial thoughts and frustrations, but also reminded me of its charm and creativity. It’s a fun game to revisit, especially in co-op mode where I could assist as Cappy.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    The story of Super Mario Odyssey is as over-the-top as ever. Bowser is forcing Princess Peach to marry him, and Mario must chase him across various kingdoms to stop the wedding. The plot is absurd and doesn’t really make much sense, even by Mario standards. It feels more like an excuse to visit different locales than an actual storyline.

    World building and immersion

    While the game’s worlds are colorful and fun to explore, the overall setting feels a bit disjointed. The various kingdoms, though creative, seem out of place, almost as if they’re floating in the skybox rather than being part of a cohesive world. This is most apparent in the Mushroom Kingdom, where the immersion feels thin.

    Character development

    As expected, there’s little to no character development. Mario is still Mario, Bowser is still Bowser, and Peach remains a damsel. While that’s par for the course in a Mario game, it would have been nice to see a bit more depth or variation in the characters’ motivations.

    Emotional impact

    The emotional impact of the story is minimal. There’s not much in the way of tension or stakes, and the plot mostly serves as a backdrop to the platforming. It’s playful and lighthearted, but not particularly memorable on the emotional front.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with an 5
    I am not even sure what Bowser thinks he will accomplish by forcing someone to marry him, what year are we living in that a woman gets forced to marry? Damn Nintendo.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    The gameplay in Super Mario Odyssey is undoubtedly one of its strongest aspects. The new jump mechanics, combined with Cappy’s ability to capture enemies and objects, offer a fresh and creative approach to platforming. The controls are tight and responsive, making Mario’s movements feel fluid and enjoyable.

    Difficulty and balance

    The game strikes a good balance between being accessible for newcomers and offering challenges for seasoned players. However, collecting moons can become tiresome, especially since there are so many of them. The difficulty varies depending on the kingdom, but overall, it feels balanced if a bit repetitive.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing starts strong but begins to drag as you collect more and more moons. The sheer number of moons required to progress can make the game feel like a grind, and some sections lose their charm when you realize how much moon-hunting is left.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    The capture mechanic with Cappy is innovative and adds a unique layer to the traditional Mario platforming formula. However, once the novelty wears off, the game’s reliance on collecting moons feels less inspired and more like busywork.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls are superb, with tight movement and responsive inputs that make platforming a joy. The user interface is clean and intuitive, allowing you to easily track your progress without getting bogged down by menus.


    Thankfully, Super Mario Odyssey doesn’t include any microtransactions.


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with a 7.5.
    I have to admit, the dinosaur possession is awesome, but isn’t it kind of weird he possesses creatures? What is Cappy? Why does he possess Yoshi?

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The graphics are vibrant and colorful, with each kingdom having its own distinct visual style. However, like mentioned before, some kingdoms feel disjointed, and certain areas (like the Mushroom Kingdom) look as though they’re floating in the sky rather than being grounded in a cohesive world. While the art style is charming, it’s not the most immersive Mario game in terms of world-building and graphics.

    Technical performances

    The game runs smoothly without any major performance issues. The frame rate is stable, and load times are minimal, allowing for seamless gameplay.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    While the environments are varied and creative, some of the worlds feel out of place and disconnected from one another. The floating, skybox-like design detracts from the immersion, though each kingdom is fun to explore on its own.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 7
    It all looks amazing, but the worlds are built very strange, why are they not connected? I need some more information or lore on the world in this game.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The soundtrack of Super Mario Odyssey is one of its standout features. The music is dynamic and engaging, with memorable tracks that enhance the atmosphere of each kingdom. From the upbeat Jump Up, Super Star! To the more atmospheric tunes, the music adds a lot of charm to the game.

    Sound effects quality

    Sound effects are classic Mario fare, with the satisfying coin collection sounds, jumps, and power-up effects all adding to the nostalgic feel.

    Voice Acting

    There’s very little voice acting, but the few lines from characters like Bowser and Peach fit perfectly within the Mario universe. It’s more about the charm and personality than deep voice work. (If you can even call it talking since most of it is gibberish.)


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 9
    The shopkeeper in Metro Kingdom is certainly not happy with his job, when spoken to, his gibberish sounds like, I want to die.


    Game Length and content volume

    Super Mario Odyssey offers a decent amount of content, but the sheer number of moons can make it feel overly long. There are 880 moons to collect, and then an additional 119 that require grinding for coins, which can make the post-game content feel bloated.

    Extra Content

    There are some fun extras, such as the Nintendo 64 references and throwback levels, which add a nice touch for longtime fans of the series. These nostalgic moments are a highlight and offer a bit of extra replay value.

    Replay value

    While the game can be fun to revisit, the sheer amount of moon collecting needed for full completion can be a turnoff. The co-op mode, where one player controls Cappy, adds some replayability, especially when playing with friends or family.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Super Mario Odyssey with a 6.5
    If you are going to play this game, do it co-op style!

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    • Reduce Moon Count: The sheer number of moons to collect feels excessive. Reducing the number would streamline the experience and make it less of a grind.
    • More Connected Worlds: The worlds, while creative, feel a bit disconnected. A more cohesive world design would enhance immersion and make exploration more satisfying.
    • More Boss Variety: Adding more varied and challenging bosses throughout the kingdoms could improve the pacing and reduce the monotony of simply collecting moons.


    Compared to previous 3D Mario games like Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Galaxy, Odyssey feels more experimental with its capture mechanic. While it introduces some great innovations, the overwhelming number of collectibles makes it less focused. Galaxy and 64 had tighter, more structured progression systems that felt more rewarding and less repetitive, which people might prefer over Odyssey’s more open-ended approach.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    Playing Super Mario Odyssey in co-op with my wife was a lot of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed taking on the role of Cappy, assisting her as she platformed through the various kingdoms. It added a nice layer of teamwork and allowed us to share the experience uniquely. The quirky levels and surprise moments gave us plenty to laugh about and discuss as we made our way through the game. That said, by the time we reached the post-game content, the grind for moons did start to wear on us, just like the last time when the roles were reversed.


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Super Mario Odyssey, I give it a personal rating of 7
    Some challenges are insane!

    Last words



    Super Mario Odyssey is a creative, fun platformer that shines in its gameplay and mechanics but falls short in its story and pacing. While the capture mechanic adds a fresh twist to the Mario formula, the sheer number of moons can make the experience feel repetitive over time. It’s a visually stunning game with an excellent soundtrack, but the disjointed world design and over-the-top moon collecting keep it from being a perfect entry in the series. That said, it’s still an enjoyable game, especially in co-op mode, and worth playing for its innovation and charm.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of Super Mario Odyssey in the comments!
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