Top Heroes review

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Top Heroes review
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    Basic information

    Developer: Green Mushroom Games
    Full name: Top Heroes
    Release date: 2024
    Released on: Android
    Cross play: no
    Genre: Strategy, PVP
    Additional information: While PVP oriented, you can try to play as PVE as possible.

    Initial thoughts

    While browsing the Google Play Store for a new game to review, I came across Top Heroes. The adventure mode intrigued me, and I hoped it would be the game’s main feature. The promotional art was decent, showcasing strong boss enemies and treasure hunts to fortify your stronghold. I expected a mix of PVP and PVE elements with a focus on kingdom-building.

    Story and setting

    Plot overview

    Top Heroes does not have a detailed storyline. The game revolves around building your kingdom, recruiting heroes, and defending against raids while expanding your territory.

    World building and immersion

    The world of Top Heroes is structured around a central kingdom with various regions to explore and conquer. The immersion is moderate, with a focus on strategic growth and resource management.

    Character development

    Character development is centered on recruiting and leveling up heroes. Each hero has unique abilities and requires specific resources to enhance their powers. But if we are speaking of true development of character, there is none.

    Emotional impact

    The emotional impact is minimal, as the game focuses more on strategic gameplay than narrative depth.

    Rating for story and setting

    I have visited multiple aspects of the story and after some thought and objective thinking, I rated the story and setting with a 4.0
    The story is minimal, there is a heavy focus on PVP instead of trying to draw in people with a good story.

    Gameplay and mechanics

    Core gameplay mechanics

    Top Heroes offers a blend of adventure mode and PVP. You have clear fog-covered worlds, battle strong monsters, and recruit new heroes using vouchers obtained from various in-game activities. The battles feel very automatic as all you have to do is stand near enemies. Your characters also gather resources when standing close to them. Most of the game is automated, giving it a casual vibe, with impending doom around the corner.

    Difficulty and balance

    The game becomes increasingly difficult as you progress, with monsters growing stronger. Balance is skewed towards players who spend money, making it challenging for free-to-play players to keep up. This can also be seen in the video I made of Top Heroes.

    Pacing of the game

    The pacing can be slow due to long build times and resource gathering, often requiring players to wait or spend money to speed up progress. And yes, I do mean long build times, sometimes longer than a day. Limited resources for skipping means there is no way around this.

    Innovation and uniqueness

    While the game includes familiar mechanics like kingdom-building and hero recruitment, the heavy reliance on microtransactions and pay-to-win elements detracts from its uniqueness. It is typically the same, want to play? You got to pay more than a real game would cost.

    Controls and user interface

    The controls and user interface are intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through different game modes and manage resources. There are countless different buttons though, it can be difficult to find everything in the beginning.


    Microtransactions available: Yes
    Prices: Ranges from low to very high
    Battle passes: Yes, I believe there are season passes.
    Pay to win: Yes
    Additional notes: The fail-safe for having bad luck in summoning units is tied to spending money, you need to be VIP 3 to gain this feature. Yes, I am not kidding, the fail-safe is locked behind a paywall.


    After combing through many of the mechanics, the pacing and other factors of this game, I rated the gameplay and mechanics with a 6.5
    There is a lot of improvement that can be done, mostly removing those paywalls.

    Graphics and art style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The graphics are neat, with diverse areas to explore and various enemies and bosses to face. However, the kingdom itself lacks customization options. The few customization options that are available are locked behind a paywall. Many enemies are also recycled in different game modes.

    Technical performances

    The game runs smoothly with minimal bugs, maintaining a steady frame rate.

    Environment and design uniqueness

    The environments are well-designed but feel repetitive after extended play. The lack of unique features in the kingdom-building aspect detracts from the overall design. I bet everyone has the same kingdom layout since you are forced to put buildings on the same spot.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style an objective rating. There are many things to consider, but ultimately, I rated this section with a 5.0.
    All in all, mediocre.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the game

    The soundtrack is mediocre, providing a basic backdrop to the gameplay without adding significant atmosphere. Nothing else to add.

    Sound effects quality

    Sound effects are fitting and complement the game’s actions, though they do not stand out.

    Voice Acting

    Not applicable


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 5.0.
    Mediocre as well.

    Multiplayer components

    Online gameplay experience

    The online gameplay experience in Top Heroes is a dynamic and challenging aspect of the game. Players must frequently engage in PVP battles and raids, which are integral to both offense and defense strategies. These battles add a layer of excitement and unpredictability, as you must constantly be on guard against attacks from other players.

    Joining a guild is not just an option but a necessity for survival and growth. Guilds offer collective strength, strategic support, and a sense of community. Being part of a guild allows players to participate in guild wars, rally against powerful bosses, and share resources and strategies. However, this also means that guilds are often targeted by rival players, leading to intense and ongoing battles. Yes, your kingdom is going to burn a lot.

    Moreover, the game includes a ranking system that incentivizes competitive play. Higher ranks come with better rewards, but also make players more visible and susceptible to attacks. This creates a high-stakes environment where strategic alliances and constant vigilance are crucial. Nothing Casual going on here.

    Community Interaction and Support

    Community interaction in Top Heroes is centered around guild activities. Guilds serve as the primary platform for players to interact, strategize, and support each other. This social aspect is one of the game’s strengths, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. There is also a translation button in game.

    Within guilds, players can participate in chat rooms, share tips and strategies, and collaborate on large-scale attacks. This level of interaction is required. This enhances the overall gaming experience. The guild system also includes various roles and responsibilities, allowing players to take on leadership positions and contribute to the guild’s success.

    However, the competitive nature of the game can also lead to frustration, particularly for free-to-play players. The disparity between paying and non-paying players is evident in the multiplayer experience. Players who invest money in the game can progress faster, obtain better heroes, and build stronger defenses. This can create a significant gap in power levels, making it difficult for free-to-play players to compete on an equal footing, meaning, you are going to get wiped off the board, over, and over, and over again.

    The community support system, while robust, also reflects this competitive imbalance. Guilds often prioritize players who can contribute the most to the guild’s success, which can marginalize those who do not spend money. This can lead to feelings of exclusion and frustration, as non-paying players struggle to keep up.

    Despite these challenges, many players I spoke with find the guild system and community interaction to be rewarding aspects of Top Heroes. The game’s social features encourage players to form alliances, make friends, and work together towards common goals, adding a layer of depth and engagement to the online experience.


    I had a hard time rating this section, after a lot of consideration, I rate the multiplayer section in Top Heroes with a 7.0.
    While free to play players are indeed far behind, the guild system does work properly.


    Game Length and content volume

    Top Heroes offers an impressive amount of content that can keep players engaged for a long time. The core game involves building and expanding your kingdom, recruiting and upgrading heroes, and participating in various battles and events. Each of these elements requires considerable time and strategic planning.

    However, the progression in the game is notably slow unless players are willing to spend money on in-game purchases. Building upgrades, hero recruitment, and resource gathering all have long timers that can be shortened by spending diamonds, the game’s premium currency. For free-to-play players, this means facing extended waiting periods and a slower overall progression pace. The game’s design encourages regular logins and consistent play to gradually make headway, which can be both a commitment and a deterrent. 

    If you do not log in regularly, you can expect your base to be blown up, which is not fun. This means you need to move to another space which also costs diamonds. You can also buy safety bubbles, with diamonds.

    Extra Content

    Top Heroes regularly introduces new content through events and side missions, providing everyone with additional activities and rewards. These events range from limited-time challenges and special boss battles to seasonal events that offer unique rewards and bonuses. Side missions often involve completing specific tasks or objectives that contribute to the overall progression of the game.

    While these extra contents are a welcome addition, they frequently require significant time investment or spending to fully benefit from them. Many events are designed to encourage players to spend money to achieve higher rewards or complete challenges faster. This can be a double-edged sword, offering more to do for dedicated players but also creating a sense of urgency and pressure to spend.

    Replay value

    I have a lot to say about the replay value. The replay value of Top Heroes is somewhat hampered by its pay-to-win nature and slow progression for free-to-play players. While the game provides numerous activities and challenges that can technically be replayed, the enjoyment and satisfaction derived from them are often diminished by the pervasive need for in-game purchases.

    For players who are willing to invest money, the game offers various incentives to keep playing. This includes access to powerful heroes, faster progression, and the ability to compete more effectively in PVP battles and Guild Wars. The regular introduction of new events and content also provides ongoing reasons to stay engaged.

    For free-to-play players, the replay value is less compelling. The constant grind, long waiting periods, and the clear advantage held by paying players can lead to frustration and diminished motivation. While the core gameplay mechanics and strategic elements are engaging, the imbalance between free and paying players creates a barrier to long-term enjoyment and replayability.

    In conclusion, Top Heroes has a lot to offer in terms of content and gameplay variety, but the overall replayability is significantly influenced by the player’s willingness to spend money. The game’s rich content and regular updates are appealing, yet the slow progression and pay-to-win dynamics may deter many players from fully enjoying what it has to offer.


    After thoughtful consideration, I decided to rate the replayability and game length of Top Heroes with a 5.5.
    The gap between paying and just playing is too big.

    Suggestions and comparisons

    Suggestions and feedback

    Throughout my experience with Top Heroes, several areas stood out where improvements could enhance the overall gameplay and player satisfaction.

    Firstly, the game’s heavy reliance on microtransactions significantly detracts from the enjoyment, creating a noticeable pay-to-win dynamic. Reducing the prominence of these transactions would level the playing field, making the game more accessible and fair for all players.

    Additionally, while the core gameplay mechanics are engaging, the slow progression for free-to-play players can be frustrating. Implementing adjustments to balance progression speed between paying and non-paying players would create a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

    Furthermore, the game could benefit from expanding its content and features to provide greater variety and depth. Introducing more ways for players to earn rewards and progress without solely relying on spending money would increase replay value and long-term engagement.

    Lastly, fostering a more supportive and inclusive community environment, particularly for free-to-play players, would enhance the overall player experience. Encouraging collaboration, communication, and mutual support within guilds and the broader player base would strengthen the game’s community and create a more positive atmosphere.


    When compared to similar games in the mobile strategy genre, Top Heroes stands out for its engaging gameplay mechanics and extensive content. However, one significant drawback that sets it apart is its excessive focus on microtransactions. While in-app purchases are common in free-to-play games, Top Heroes leans heavily on these transactions, creating a pay-to-win dynamic that can be off-putting for many players.

    In contrast to its predecessors or competitors, Top Heroes could benefit from a more balanced approach to monetization. Reducing the prominence of pay-to-win elements would improve the overall player experience and foster a more fair and competitive environment. By shifting the focus away from spending money to progress, the game could attract a wider audience and encourage greater engagement from both free-to-play and paying players alike.

    Personal experiences and anecdotes

    One amazing aspect while playing this game was joining the number six guild on the server, though it also resulted in frequent attacks and frustrations. I kept logging in to find my base utterly destroyed and having to spend diamonds for repairs and moving back to the guild,


    Taking in all the personal experiences with Top Heroes, I would give it a personal rating of 5.5.
    Love the adventure mode, hate the pay to win wall I kept hitting.

    Last words



    Despite its fun elements, the pay-to-win nature heavily impacts the overall enjoyment of Top Heroes. Adventure mode and boss battles are satisfying, but the need to spend money to stay competitive is a significant drawback.

    Final Rating



    Please let me know what you think of Top Heroes in the comments!
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    1. I find the adventure aspect more interesting than the strategy aspect. But as is often the case, Pay2Win eliminates it.

    2. Top heroes is good mobile game ,but this game has pay2win.

    3. I will pass this mobile game for summer. Thanks for the review!

    4. Thanks for the review, might try in future

    5. Not quite my kind of game... and P2W is an absolute no-go for me, I'd rather watch ads on mobile games than have to pay for stuff... Grafics are cute though ^^

    6. Not fan of mobile games, but this looks quite not bad, but still no for me.

    7. in former day it was called cheating... nowaday it's called P2W...
      both ways you have to pay for... kind of 😀

      • True, very true.

    8. It's not for me, but I imagine there are people interested 🙂

    9. Thank you for the review!

    10. Bad things of the game seem the common ones of that kind of mobile games

    11. Okay, I won't lie... I only read half the review. It looked nice, although this kind of game isn't really my type (but can still be kinda fun to try)... Until I got to the microtransactions part and saw that it's P2W. Instant skip to the end, still wanted to see your final Pros and Cons section, but wasn't interested in reading any further - not because of your review, but because I know I won't ever be touching that game, lol.

      • I am glad I could save you from this game!

    12. With repetitive enemies, lack of creative customization or engaging gameplay, this doesn't sound like they appreciate your enjoyment or time! I would never put money into a mobile app to speed up building times, unlock basic cosmetics or win battles against others that have a leg up only cause they paid... Too many mobile apps make you sink effort into them, then manipulate you into spending money so you don't feel like you wasted your time 🙁

      • Yeah, it is a vicious cycle. For me, I just want a good story, no need to pour money into the game, this gets worse when microtransactions are in a single-player game.

    13. Nah mobile with pay to win, not my basket.

    14. I wonder when will mobile games start focusing in the story... I guess that's never.

      Instead, they focus on whatever brings in quick cash - the microtransactions. And if only were they creative in that way, but it feels like any other similar game out there with those mechanics. And the pay-to-win mechanics are a huge let-down.

      Btw, you went wide with this one. Good job! 😀

      • This game just wants your cash!

    15. I like the look and feel of the game. I guess I'd still be into mobile games, I'd try it. I used to play a Final Fantasy mobile game about collecting heroes. At some point it just wasn't funny anymore.

      • At one point, mobile games get too pay to win for my taste.


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