Wild Robot review

Be ready for emotional scenes!

Wild Robot review
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    Basic movie information

    Directed by: Chris Sanders
    Full name: Wild Robot
    Release date: 2024, 8 September
    What to expect: A visually stunning and emotionally charged story of a robot discovering the meaning of life, connection, and survival in the wild.
    Additional information: Based on the beloved children’s book by Peter Brown, Wild Robot blends heartwarming themes with intense action, leaving a lasting impact on its audience.
    Budget: $78 million
    Box office: $100 million

    Initial thoughts

    My wife and I had no idea what to expect when we went to see Wild Robot. We thought we were in for something a bit more theatrical, but we were pleasantly surprised by the depth of the story. It turned out to be a much more emotional journey than we anticipated.


    Plot summary

    Wild Robot follows Roz, a robot who crash-lands on a remote island. She must learn to survive, adapt to the wild, and connect with the animals who initially see her as an outsider. As she learns to care for her surroundings, a deeper threat arrives when more robots come to capture her, putting everything she loves in danger.

    Was the movie fun?

    While Wild Robot was a very good movie, it was definitely a tearjerker. Almost everyone in the cinema was moved to tears—except for my wife and me. We found ourselves watching as the audience became more emotional than we ever expected! The story, however, did have its fun and exciting moments.

    It had its thrilling moments, especially with the robot battles and the survival aspects, but overall, it leaned heavily into emotional storytelling.

    Emotional impact

    The movie hit a lot of emotional notes, especially in scenes where Roz forms a bond with the animals, and later, when she has to protect them from invaders. The film had the entire cinema in tears, though my wife and I stayed dry-eyed through it all.

    Rating for Enjoyment

    After thinking about all the aspects this movie has to give for enjoyment, emotional impact, and other factors, I decided to give the enjoyment section of this movie review, an 8.0
    The movie has a lot of fun story beats!

    Pacing and audience

    Pacing of the movie

    The pacing of Wild Robot was smooth for the most part. It starts off by immersing the viewer in the beauty of nature and slowly builds tension as the robot begins to bond with the wild animals.

    The final third of the film is where it becomes quite intense, with battles and emotional goodbyes that target an audience prone to tears. The pacing was well-managed, with moments of quiet reflection and tension-filled action sequences.

    What audience is targeted?

    This movie is clearly aimed at families, fans of emotional stories, and anyone who enjoys heartfelt adventure films. It also appeals to those who aren’t afraid to shed a tear or two.

    Script and dialogue

    The script was thoughtful and sincere, with simple but powerful dialogue. The interactions between Roz and the animals were particularly heartwarming.

    What message does this movie instill?

    The film touches on themes of compassion, survival, and the delicate balance between nature and technology. It also hints at a subtle fear of what A.I. can become if it evolves beyond its original programming.


    After some consideration, thinking over the dialogue and the scenes, I give the pacing and audience section a rating of 8.0

    Graphic style

    Quality of graphics and art direction

    The graphics and art direction were beautifully crafted, with lush landscapes and intricately designed robots that felt both futuristic and natural.

    The animation style managed to blend the mechanical perfectly with the organic, making the world feel alive and immersive. The visuals were stunning, and the attention to detail in the animation was impressive.


    It took me some time to give the graphics and art style of this movie a good rating. But after considering a lot, I decided to give it a 9
    The animation is very good and can be emotional for people who shed tears occasionally.

    Sound and music

    Music score and how it contributed to the movie

    The music score was hauntingly beautiful, capturing the essence of both the wild and Roz’s mechanical heart. It set the tone perfectly for the more emotional moments, especially in the climax of the movie. The acting, especially the voice work, was top-notch, bringing warmth and life to Roz and the animals. The music contributed heavily to the emotional weight of the film, enhancing both the action and the more tender moments.

    Acting and lines

    The voice acting was superb, particularly Roz’s gentle and curious tone, which made her character all the more endearing. The other characters are all well voice acted as well.


    After a lot of consideration, I rated the sound and music section with a 9.
    This movie is more focused on good animations, perfect voice acting, instead of heavy dialogue, it feels as if the movie moves natural.

    Personal experiences favorite scene

    My favorite scene was when the animals banded together to fight off the robot invaders. It was a thrilling moment, filled with tension and a sense of unity, as creatures from the wild fought to protect their home. The combination of action and emotional stakes made this scene stand out for me.


    My own personal rating of this movie is an 8
    This movie has more action than I had expected when I saw the trailer.

    Last words



    Wild Robot is a heartwarming and visually striking film that combines emotional depth with thrilling action. While it may not bring everyone to tears, it’s a beautifully crafted movie that leaves a lasting impression. If you’re looking for a film that balances adventure with emotional storytelling, this one is a must-watch.

    Final Rating



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    1. fano23

      Heard about it few days ago and seems a cool one. Reminds me of The Iron Giant

    2. Sounds like a movie I should definitely watch! Thanks for talking about this one! 😀

    3. I didn't heard about it as i don't look much into whats coming/premiers really, too much from older stuff wait in queue to watch. I think it is probably very good movie, however i can't say for sure without watching, sometimes some things i don't like take me out of immersion other time even with cons i still love the movie, hard to say. Look like classic story remade to more modern theme with robots. Just from this text it reminds maybe Dances with Wolves and Pocahontas like story turned to animation? (not read other reviews) Thanks for review.

    4. I had never heard of this film before. The visuals look good, it looks interesting and I am curious.

    5. W another movie by dreamworks, definitely will watch it

    6. The film is incredible. Only issue, too short ❤️❤️❤️
      Also it was not tears, the guy next to me was obviously cooking onions.

    7. This has been on my watchlist for quite some time now. Still haven't come around to it though. But it's good to see you enjoyed it, now I'm even more excited to watch it myself.

    8. I like to see this movie, too! 🍌

    9. thanks for the review, might watch it soon. well, a.i. can indeed be scary.

    10. Not sure If it will be DreamWorks best movie Like written in the poster (best for me was El Dorado) but it seems to be a nice movie.

    11. Nice review, looks like a movie that should be on my watch-list.

    12. It's a pretty high rating, but does it hold to claims that it is "the best animated movie" some critics give it? It seems like a well-done movie, but nothing grand scale great. 😀

    13. I have to see the film after reading this review 🙂

    14. I wasn’t sure about Wild Robot at first, but your take makes it sound like a fun and emotional journey. Definitely curious to check it out now.

    15. Definitely adding it`s to watch list. I bet it wholesome animated movie

    16. This review is awesome! I would like to watch this movie and enjoy to the full.

    17. Oh my goodness, this movie looks amazing! Definitely going on my to-watch list! The graphics look adorable and beautiful and the story sounds really interesting and special! 🙂

    18. Ooh I'm supposed to be watching this soon! 😮


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