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What is that noise? HOOOOOONK!! There are two geese and they are hell-bent on destruction in the village! What could these geese possibly want and why are they annoying everyone!?
In this game, you play as a goose but for this review we did a full co-op run, get ready for double trouble! Harry and Harriet have broken free (yes indeed, we have named our geese)! This game is a very nice simulator where you get to play as a goose and you can act out your frustration on unexpecting villagers. You will have different tasks that you will need to complete, completing enough tasks will lead you to a different area in the village. Peace was never an option!

What did I think before playing the Untitled Goose Game?
We learned about the co-op update and we took this opportunity to review this new update and the complete game.
The graphics looked very silly, and for some reason, I keep hearing the piano in the background!
The geese looked very realistic and they seem very friendly but we all know this is not true!
I was very curious as to why these geese wanted to go to the village, what could the geese want in the village. I really hoped we would get an explanation for why the geese went to the village.
I send a message to the developers of the Untitled Goose (Geese?) Game and asked if they would be interested in having their game reviewed by Reviews by Supersven.
I waited with high hopes for an email back from the developers and lo and behold they handed me a key for the Untitled Goose Game.
We quickly planned a date for the review and the video, this started a chain reaction of us honking randomly as we got excited to play the game.

I rate the Untitled goose game with an 8.3 before playing
We knew the game would be small but we were both very excited to start playing, especially that we wanted to honk as geese.
This game has a weird silly charm that draws people to it and now it has co-op modus. Harry and Harriet might seem friendly but who knows what they are going to do to those poor villagers!

Harry and Harriet have a small story, of course, they are after something but only you can find out what it is! To find out what the geese want you will need to annoy villagers and wreak havoc throughout the village.
When the geese are done in the village, they return back to their home but something tells me they will be back.
Can you find out what the geese want to do in the village? Can you help the geese wreak havoc in the village?

I rate the story of the Untitled Goose Game with a 7.0.
The story might be small but it gives you a good incentive why the geese go to the village and wreak havoc without me spoiling the ending. The person who thought of this small story is a genius, who could ever think of a good reason why geese go on a village trip and annoy everyone? I will give the story a 7.0 because it has nothing special but I admire the story creator for actually creating a story involving geese!

You play as a goose and you have certain tasks that you will need to complete, these will vary from area to area but they boil down to the same mechanics. Annoy the villagers and annoy them some more! Untitled Goose Game is mostly puzzle-based as you will need to solve many puzzles and riddles. Some of the puzzles or riddles are more difficult than other puzzles and riddles. We could not figure out how to get the sun hat on the groundskeeper, we are still curious to find out how. Let me know in the comments if you have the answer for us! Among the puzzles and riddles, you will also get a mission to gather various items, in the first area you will need to set up a picnic for the geese. You will need to steal items from the area and bring them to the picnic but beware of the groundskeeper in the garden he will not like this and chase you! When you have completed enough tasks, you will get another task but this one is more important than the other tasks. Completing this extra task will allow you to access a new area and finally lead you to the end of the game. As you get further into the game the puzzles will get more difficult.

When you have completed the game you will off course be met with the credits but if you boot up the game again you will get new tasks. We both liked that there is post-game content and we are planning to make a video of us doing the post-game content of the Untitled Goose Game. Doing things fast enough might be a bit problematic since we mess around a lot while honking! There are a lot of objects that you can interact with in the Untitled Goose Game. The big question on everyone’s mind is of course what does the co-op mode add? Working together means you can get things done easier but you can also drag items together. Carrying a heavy box with two geese goes a lot faster. Working together while achieving these tasks felt awesome. Playing together with Harry and Harriet was really fun and we cannot wait to continue our post-game journey. You can watch our entire journey in the video below!

I rate the gameplay with an 8.5.
The gameplay might be simple and short as you can complete the game together within three hours. If I think how much fun we had in the Untitled Goose Game it truly deserves this rating. The game might be short but the fun you gain from playing is very high. It is not a simple simulator where you just walk around and honk but it is mission-based which adds a lot of depth to the game. I dislike simulators where they just throw you in a big box and you have no missions whatsoever.
The gameplay got a lot of things right and that is why so many gamers are attracted to the Untitled Goose Game.

Sound and Graphics
The graphics are very simplistic and look a bit silly, it is hard to identify one of the humans as either a male or a female. This might be us but I am not sure.
The geese look really good and they are of course the most important in this game. There are some clippings but it was mostly fun and that is what this game is all about, having fun.
The sound and sound effects are mostly piano sounds but for some reason, it just clicks. The voice acting is the best, wait there is voice acting in this game? Honk! What else is the honking sound? A goose voice actor of course!
When you honk while something in your beak or into a bottle the honk also sounds different, this was a nice extra touch.

I rate the sound and graphics of the Untitled Goose Game with an 8.0
The honking is an awesome touch and the graphics might not be next-gen top notch but they are silly and make you laugh. The game achieves exactly what it wants to achieve!

What did we think after playing the Untitled Goose Game?
We did the complete run while recording with commentary, we had a lot of fun while playing.
Some of the tasks were more difficult than we had anticipated, we liked that when you completed enough tasks you could continue to a new arena.
We were both wondering if there could be a good reason why the geese would go to the village or if the game had a small story along with the gameplay.
The co-op is implemented well in the game as you can work together very well to achieve the tasks on your list, for some reason the people in the village don’t like geese.
We have not tried the single-player campaign.
My wife liked the area with the pub and the two neighbors the most. I liked the area where we needed to lock up the shopkeeper and the boy the best.
I don’t think the game has much replay value but I am very interested in the post-game content. The game was exactly what we had expected it to be and we both had a blast.
I hope Harry and Harriet will go on another adventure soon again!

We rate the Untitled Goose game with an 8.3.
This game is perfect for playing on a free day, it will make you forget your problems as you keep annoying those villagers! The game is small but it is surely packed with loads of fun moments!

My personal rating
I do not have much to say here as most of the things I wanted to say I have already said. Honk! I was very glad this game got an- co-op update, I think it truly deserved it and the developers have handled it very well.
Who knows maybe peace is an option?

My personal rating of the Untitled Goose game is an 8.6
Honk! For anyone that is wondering, yes indeed that is me feeding a goose named Harry!

Pros and Cons

– Untitled Goose Game simulates playing a goose very well, who knows maybe all geese are this annoying?
– The game uses a mission-based concept to get further into the game.
– It is very funny to see how the villagers react to the geese!
– The game is small but it is packed with a lot of fun.
– The graphics look very silly.
– There is post-game content in the Untitled Goose Game.
– Honk!

– I wish there were more missions but luckily there is post-game content with more missions!

Harry and Harriet recommend that you play this game, if you think the price for the game is too high for a smaller game then it might be best for you to wait for a sale. Figuring out how to solve some of the puzzles was really fun but we were unable to solve some of the puzzles. The final rating of the Untitled Goose Game is…drumroll…


Leave your thoughts in the comments or rate the game yourself!
I hope you liked reading this review, I hope to see you in the next review!

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4 thoughts on “The Untitled Goose Game-Double Trouble Review”

  1. Avatar

    I don’t know why, but having a goose as the main character is such a good pick.
    But I guess it makes sense, since they are known to be territorial.

  2. Ilan Vertone

    From what I heard of this game, it seems like it is pretty chaotic and hilarious, and apparently it may be even more with two players! XD

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